Chapter 3

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I wind up at a pawn shop looking for items to cover my looks. My eyes spot a couple masks that look decent, but one that stands out from the rest is a white half-mask that covers half the face and jaws like a demon that does cover the whole jaw line. The only part of my face that shows is my left eye and ear and my snowy white hair that I bought a black hoodie with a red outline to cover up with. The cracks in the mask makes it look authentically like a skull of a true demon. I go up to the counter and tell the man, "I'll be taking all of this." The old geezer chuckles and says, "That will be 50 dollars." I mold my darkness into a tentacle and penetrate his body with it and he falls to the ground. I rip out his spine and lick it clean with my tongue, "Delicious." Then I take cash from the register and leave the store quietly back into the middle of nowhere. 

As I hold my thumb up to hitch-hike to the closest city, a few cars slow down but once they see the mask they speed back up, yet there is one trucker who stops completely to ask me where I am going. I answer, "Washington D.C." The old man laughs and says, "Well put me in a oven and toast me till I'm done, I am headed that way also, but not to that big city. I'm passing through there to get somewhere else." I open the door and hop in, "Let's hit it." The man punches the gas pedal and speeds down the highway. 

An hour passes and my eyelids begin to become heavy. They would drop down as I try to open them back up, but to my failure they would get heavier. Finally I close them to get some sleep in. I dream of back when I was a little kid. Mother would always cook me cookies in the oven and she would always have to put me in a booster seat so I could reach the table to eat the cookies. Back then everything was so innocent. I didn't have bullies and I was at peace. Mom would always have men come over to the house and they would make loud noises in her bed room, but I never knew what was happening so I presumed they were working on a project. Nothing happened out of the ordinary until one day I was dropped on the side of the hill and I kept rolling and rolling and could not stop. My head hit a few sharp rocks before I hit a dead end on the hill and it became a drop off. I found that hitting your head on large rocks from a far distance away can cause severe damage to the brain. After waking up from that fall I heard voices in my head and they were all loud. They kept talking to me endlessly and they kept getting louder as if they were trying to annoy me. I would bang my head on the wall to shut them up and the doctors would strap me down until I couldn't move. I would scream for the voices to go away, but no one would listen to me. I took a syringe that was on the side and stabbed it into my arm and injected myself with some kind of liquid that made me hallucinate. I thought I saw clowns and ginormous spiders on the corners of the room.  

We hit a bump and I awake to see that the old man was drinking coffee. I ask him for a sip and he replies, "Sure go ahead." I take a sip and to my liking the coffee is one of the best cups of coffee I have ever drank before. I look at the man surprised by this, "Where did you get this?" He looks at me and says, "I made it myself. Do you like it?" I nod my head "yes". He laughs and says I can have the rest. I open the jaws of my mask and drank it all at once. I look outside the window and notice the sign says Colorado. The mountains off in the distance seem beautiful. A road block lies ahead of us. My eyes widen with fear. I jump into the back of the truck and use a blanket to cover myself up. I tell the old man who's driving to pretend that I'm his son who is going to the hospital for a cold. The man nods his head and stops at the barricade. 

Trucker: How may I help you officer?

Cop: Yeah, we need to see some ID because there is some murderer on the loose around these parts of the country. He killed a man about 500 miles back the way you came from. 

Trucker: Alright let me get that for you.

Cop: Hey, who is that in the back?

Me: *cough* I am Junior. I am sick please don't worry about me.

Trucker: Yeah that's my son. He has a cold. We are headed to the hospital right now to get help. 

Cop: Alright then.

The cop looks at the ID and lets us pass. I get out from under the blanket when I knew we are a safe distance away from the cops. I crawl back to the front of the truck and take out the map. Alright this is where we are. Let's take the back roads in Colorado City so we do not get pulled over by more cops. The old man looks at me worried and asks me, "You're the man they're looking for aren't you?" I look at him with fear that I have to kill him, "Yes." I get my darkness ready to penetrate him when he says the most amazing thing ever. "I guess you had your reasons." I look at him eyes wide and mouth open. How could he trust me that much. He pats me on the hoodie and tells me, "Everyone has a reason for doing things if it's bad or good that's up to them." I look up at him and ask him one question, "What's your name?" He replies, "Tyler." This is the beginning of our journey, or I thought so. It wasn't much longer before something happens. 

I awake again and the Tyler is asleep behind the wheel and we are on the opposite side of the road with another truck on it way towards us. I unbuckle my seat belt and duck out of the moving vehicle. It was only seconds before they collide and an explosion happens before my eyes. Tyler's head is thrown to the ground beside me and stares at me with it's dead eyes. I begin to cry as the voices in my head laugh at me. "Why? Why? Why? Why?!" I turn from the scene and vomit everywhere. He was my friend and he has to die. I begin to laugh. "This is what you get for sleeping behind the wheel you imbecile." I take his skull and smash it into the ground and lick his brains up. I moan with pleasure. His taste is magnificent! The voices scream with pleasure and they begin to soften as I eat more and more of Tyler. I see now! The more I eat, the less effects of voices and things I see happen to me. 

I search through the rubble for the man who crashed into us, but I find no one. I leap out of the fire and hear the sirens off in the distance. I jump off the bridge into the river and swim out of there. I wash up onto the bay and find myself surrounded by people. They fear me because of my mask. They back away as I get up off the sand and wonder where I am. I know I am in Colorado, but where exactly. I rush off into the woods and hope I lose sight of the humans. After all vision of human life is gone, I take my mask off and slip it into my backpack. I walk back to the open and all the humans are gone except the police. My body silently hides behind a tree and watch the police search the sand for any evidence. After they leave the scene I grab a towel left behind by the people from earlier and dry my clothes as best as I can. We are off again on foot! 

As I make my way towards a gas station, a cop stops me and pulls out a piece of paper and begins describing my mask to me. I shrug and tell them I have no idea about that person and go on my way. I walk into the gas station and grab a couple of snacks and a drink put some cash on the counter and walk back out. As I eat my snacks and chug on my monster, I walk down the street trying to find an interesting store when all of a sudden I see for an instant an angel walking away. "That's interesting." I lose sight of her so I use my nose to sniff her out. I sniff the air and a fragrance fills my nostrils that leads down an alley way. I follow the lead I have and watch out for any suspicious people. I finally stop before an intersection where it leads multiple ways. I sniff the air and it leads left. I follow it until it stops. I search around and see a fire escape ladder leading up so I grapple onto it and start to rush up the ladders. When I finally make it to the top a person is waiting for me there at the edge. I walk quietly to her, but she turns around and spreads her wings, "Hello Edward." I stare at her wings, "Who are you?" She replies, "My name is Amber and yes I am an angel. I am here to protect this world from reapers. Only reapers and other angels can see me though. A shame for you, because everyone will see your death but not my victory." My anger begins to boil, "What do you mean by that?" She snickers, "Well isn't it obvious? Whenever we fight, I will win and you will die." She blows a kiss at me and leaps off the building. I rush over to the edge and try to see her, but she disappears. 

So even reapers have enemies that I didn't know about. I guess it's time to get stronger. I caress my white snowy hair and look off into the distance, "Good luck Amber, but I won't be that easy to kill." I laugh and it grows louder and louder. "Let's see you try to kill a real demon!" 

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