Chapter 9

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Before me is a man and a woman both in robes, one blue the other black, and they have blood on their mouths. Some of our friends lie on the ground dead and freshly chomped into. The last few alive were the kids who watched their parents die and a couple adults. Kali's anger overwhelms her and she just charges into battle ready to die as she screams, "Your target was us! Why not just kill me then?!" Ghost tries to back her up, but the guy in the blue distracts Ghost. I watch as my friends get pummeled into the ground and Grim comes walking out of the mist, "Why so sour my friend? You are the reason we are doing this." I clinch my hands together in anger ready for a fight, "I almost took you down once, I can do it again!" Grim laughs, "You sure know how to talk big Edward! Shadow teach him what it means to talk against my wishes." Shadow grabs Kali by the hair and puts a katana up to her throat. I scream, "No don't do it!" As soon as I say it the girl in the black robes slits right through her neck. I rush over to Kali's side and hold her in my hands as tears stream down my face, "You're gonna be alright. I'm gonna take you to Doc and he will patch you up." She puts a hand on my shoulder as she speaks through the blood in her mouth, "Do not... worry about me... I will get to see... my sister now..." She takes her last breath and finds peace while she dies with a smile on her face. Before Ghost could even take a step to get closer to Kali, his head gets chopped off by the Blue Demon's cleaver. I look back at Ghost and to my horror his head was only inches away from me with his blood shot eyes staring straight into my soul. Tears and anger overwhelms me. I search inside myself and look for all the strength I have and charge at the two who killed my only friends who understood me. 

They block every attack I throw at them easily. Grim says, "Is that all you have? I saw you do better the other day!" As I send out every attack I have I scream, "No! No! No! No! No! No! No!" The Kai I possess begins to morph to my body and conform to my mask. Soon I become the demon that lost all control. Grim announces, "Well this is a sight! You can go into a full suite. I love your Kai, Edward! Or should I say Diablo!" The monster roars with anger at the sound of it's name as it comes sprinting at Shadow and the Blue Demon. It's claws reach out for Shadow's throat as the tentacles on the beast's back seeks for the Blue Demon. The beast finally grips onto shadow and tears her in half and eats her heart out of her body. It licks it's lips then looks at the fear on the Blue Demon's eyes. The monster walks calmly over to him and grips him on the head. The Blue Demon begins to panic as the monster squeezes until it shatter's his skull. Next the demon looks at Grim who is laughing louder than ever. Grim speaks to the monster, "If you want to get me, then you need to go to where this all started." He smiles under his mask and teleports through the mist. 

Day begins to surface onto the big city. The monster put's it's claws up to it's head and begins to scream a blood curdling noise. I think to myself, "Get out of my head you demon!" The monster claws at it's body trying to get it off of my body, but the armor just regrows. Finally the first words the beast manages to say is, "Flesh!" The monster runs off into the city where there is plenty of humans walking or driving to their jobs. The monster begins tearing through humans left and right feeding on their insides when right before it could get to one woman, a child in the back screams out, "Mommy, no!" The beast begins to tear up in it's eyes and the metal armor begins to fade away back into my skin. The people watching on the T.V. and on the streets see my mask and look with horror, "It's him. It's Diablo!" The news caster cuts the film and begins to run away. Tears run down my face as I look into the eyes of the child screaming at me. "What have I done," I thought to myself. I run off but not to the sewers. I'm not welcome there anymore. I run through the alleys for a little while while taking all my gear off and stuffing it in my backpack. Then I go to an empty park and sit on a swing and begin to swing back and forth. 

A few kids with their families come to the park and they begin to play. Tears whelm up in my eyes just watching them when I think to myself, "That's so sweet." The demon inside chimes in, "They smell sweet!" I grab my head and begin pounding it as I argue with myself. They kids begin to get scared and run off with their families. I get up from the swing set and walk back over to where my friends died. I take their bodies to the sewers, which is close by so no one saw me, and bury them with the other fallen Reapers. I engrave on Kali's tombstone "I love you". I stand up and clinch my fist, "I will avenge you." After that none of the Acquits ever saw me again. 

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