Chapter 2

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A barren wasteland where there is nothing except heat, sand, and dead plants lies before me. The realm is infinite to the sight. I put my hand up to my eyes to cover the sun from them. I begin to back away, but something keeps pushing me forward to keep going on. As I walk into the dust and the sand, a storm rises and sweeps me under. I think I see a couple of people ahead of me so I run off into the distance, but the sand storm pushes me back. I move the white strand of hair out of my face that the wind is blowing. I step closer, slowly this time. This silk-like substance comes down from the sky and wraps around my legs and arms trapping me from going any farther. I struggle to get free, but it keeps me tied down.

There, a man comes from the other side of the storm and finds me. He looks at me with his soulless eyes and strokes my hair, "My child, you will learn to tap into your true potential." He takes a knife and stabs it into my stomach. I writhe in pain as the blood comes squirting out of me like a hose. I look up at the man and he grins back down at me and says, "But there is only one way to do that." He stabs me over and over again. I keep losing blood, but I don't die or at least pass out.

 He takes out utensils used for surgery and begins to do an operation on my brain. He takes out chunks all at once and replaces it with different material that seems scientific. I scream in agony from the prodding and poking around in my head. It's far more worse than the bugs crawling around in my head. I try to stop him, but the silk tightens it's grip around me and keeps me put. The man screams out, "Oh my god, you are full of interesting things! Your body will be the perfect test subject." He then cuts me open and replaces my organs with a few machines and he does this without any anesthesia. My blood fills the ground like an ocean. "You're so much fun to play with my child!" Soon the pain stops hurting and it feels enjoyable. I start to laugh as he plays around with my insides with his tools. He looks at me worried for a second that he lost me but no. I was just found. 

The darkness oozes out of me letting me take control of this world. The darkness shift shapes into a cleaver as I chop the silk away from me. Then I reshape it into a shield with thorns around my body as I travel through the sand to catch up with the man who worked on me. The storm tries to push me back but the shield allows me to keep going forward. The visions of people I saw earlier wind up being fake. I smile a nasty smile as I charge forward towards the man. My feet shuffle towards the man as he turns around with a giant hammer and swipes at me. I dodge easily for his slow movement allowed me time, then I use my darkness to stab him in the stomach. I laugh manically as his blood comes dripping out from his abdomen and mouth. I get closer and his form changes to that of a Minotaur. He takes a deep breath and releases it, "You got me." I grin with eager as I stab him over and over again. I rip him apart with my darkness and drink the blood that drips out of him. 

All this time the man from the class room watches me and claps at the show, "Great performance Edward. You are ready now." I look at him with my sharp teeth tearing through the Minotaur's meat. "What do you want?" The man looks at me with a grin of acceptance, "I'm your new father, but you may call me Lucifer. I am the fallen angel that provided you this new power you possess." I nod my head to thank him and resume eating my meal. "I have a mission for you that you may like." I stare at the man and ask him what it is he offers in return. "I knew this would peak your interest. You will in return have another great meal plus more power than you could ever imagine." I look at him, "Go on." 

After my meal is finished I turn to where I came from and walk towards home. My vision becomes blurry as I walk back and my movement becomes slower and slower. The bugs in my head begin to itch again and the voices scream, "Welcome back!" I shutter with anxiety and laugh out loud with great ferocity. I remember what Lucifer told me what I am now, "You are what we call Reapers. Your main objective is to feast upon the living and tear their souls out and release them, but you have a special gift about you." A shiver runs down my spine and I glimpse up to the sky and the moon is crimson red. My irises take on the color of the moon and I close my eyelids and black out again. 

My heart beats and I wake up from my "journey". I look up at Snake-winder and he is lying right there with a cup of tea waiting for me, "You're awake little dude. You have been asleep for a whole 24 hours. I cannot believe how much you changed man." I take the cup of tea and sip on it. I must keep this new fond ability a secret from the world or I will have people conduct experiments on me. I stand up and stretch, "It's time for me to hit the path and start my travels." The young hippy replies, "Where you headed to little man?" I look back at him and respond, "To Washington D.C." 

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