Chapter Nine: Annabeth

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"The Fault In Our Stars," an amazing book. Read it in two days. Hm. My friend actually found a book that made me cry! Sh! Don't tell anyone. Rick owns these characters.


Chapter Nine: Annabeth

As soon as Hel left, Annabeth started sobbing uncontrolibly. Her tears fell on Percy's bloodied face. She rocked back and fourth, cradling his lifeless body. Her breaths shaky. Someone touched her back.

"Annabeth, let me take him" Chiron whispered.

"N-No. I c-can't. Chiron, he's not gone. He can't be. He's my Seaweed brain. Any second, he'll wake up, I know it" she choked, looking down at Percy. He wasn't going to wake up. She was covered in his blood, resting her forehead on his, she started sobbing harder. "You can't be gone Percy. Come back." A needle punctured her arm, Annabeth was going to fall asleep. Eyelids drooping, she kissed Percy's cold lips for the last time before slipping away, the last thing she remembered was Percy being taken out of her arms.


"Wise girl," Percy's soft voice whispered. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I don't feel anything. But no matter what, I'll always love you."

"Percy, where are you?!" she gasped. "Come back! Please!" He appeared in front of her, only in ghost form. "Percy, you can't be gone. I don't know what I'll do without you!"

"Annabeth. It's okay. I promise. I know what you're going to do. You're going to grow up as an amazing architect, get married to someone who will treat you amazingly, have kids, and watch them grow up. The two of you will grow old together with grandchildren in your laps" he whispered.

"No Percy. I don't want to be with anyone but you. I won't. I love you Percy" she choked.

"I love you too, Annabeth. But you need to let me go. Go save Sadie. Tell my mom and Paul. Tell them what happened and that I love them. Please. I have full faith in you Wise girl."

"I'm not leaving without you Percy! It's not going to happen! It's possible. I've read it in books. Use all your strength! You can come back!"

"Annabeth, I can't. It would've had to have been sooner. It's not possible anymore. Annabeth, I have to go now. Wake up. I love you Wise girl" Percy whispered, he leaned in and kissed her, it felt real even though he was a ghost. He started vanishing. "I love you" he vanished before she got the chance to say I love you back.


She woke up in one of the infirmary beds. Leo was in another. Everyone was still there, well, besides Sadie, Chiron and Percy. Piper wrapped her arms around Annabeth in a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry."

"Me too" Annabeth whispered. Everyone's ace was tear stained, except for Leo, who was cringing in his sleep. She felt numb. What was she going to do? It just didn't seem right that he was gone. It wasn't fair. "I'm going to see Chiron" she stated. Leaving before anyone could think of objecting. Dragging her feet to the Big House was almost impossible.

She opened the door and Chiron turned to face her, "We need to Iris message Sally and Paul." Annabeth nodded numbly. No tears could fall from her dry eyes. Chiron threw a drachma into the misty water. Sally had her back to them, Paul was writing something down on a leather notebook.

"So, Percy comes back from camp in three weeks?" Paul asked, his pen skipping across the page.

"One month, actually. I wish it was only three weeks," Sally sighed. Annabeth's eyes filled up with tears, there were those tears she'd been missing five minutes again.

"Sally, Paul. We need to speak with you. It concerns Percy" Chiron choked.

"What's up?" Sally asked, brushing away a black strand of hair. "Did he do something stupid?"

"No. Your son. He was a hero" Chiron started, his voice cracking.

"Was? What's that supposed to mean?" Paul asked, worry filling his eyes and voice.

"Your son, Percy, h-he" Chiron started.

"He passed away. It was the Norse. They killed him. Loki did it. Percy, Carter and Sadie were there in Asgard. They tortured Carter. Frank had saved him, but Loki swore that Percy had helped Carter escape. So he executed him" Annabeth said. Sally fell to her knees and pressed her hands to her face.

"No. No. No. It can't be true!" she exclaimed. Paul slumped down next to her and rubbed her back. He mouthed the word 'go'. Chiron swiped his arm through the message. He covered his face in his hands.

"Dinner is early. We have a shroud burning ceremony and words need to be said. Everyone is to be there" Chiron said flatly. Annabeth nodded then left, waves of emotions flooding through her.


Everyone stood around the shroud, Percy's shroud. Leo was even there, his arms draped over Jason and Piper's shoulders. He didn't look like he knew what was going on, probably just woke up, or fell asleep when everyone said their goodbyes.

The shroud was a blue/green color, sliver stitched waves. Most people were crying, others had shocked expressions. The shroud lit up in flames. Annabeth took a deep breath and let the tears stream down her cheeks. After ten minutes, when the flames started dying, everyone left, everyone except Annabeth.

She was never going to get to hold his hand again. Never kiss him again. Never see those green eyes. Jet black hair. That voice that soothed her in Tartarus. Never again. She started sobbing. It wasn't fair. She left when the moon reached the sky. Annabeth wasn't going to go to her cabin though, she was going to Percy's.

The door was opened, she walked in, the scent of salt water making her start crying again. Pictures pinned the wall, of his family, friends, everything. She took down a picture of them kissing. She didn't even know when that was taken. Stoll's. Sitting down on Percy's bed and resting her head on the wooden headboard, she put the picture to her heart. Annabeth closed her eyes tightly. Eventually falling asleep.


"Hey, Annabeth, I knew I'd find you here. I'm going to take you to your cabin" someone said softly. They lifted her up with strong. Yet gentle arms.

"Percy?" Annabeth mumbled. The person holding her stiffened as if nervous. She opened her eyes. It was Jason. "Oh. Sorry" she grumbled. Looking at the picture in her hands.

"Annabeth. I'm sorry. We all are" Jason whispered.

"Yeah, I know" Annabeth answered. A scream erupted from the infirmary. It was Leo's agonized scream.

So, it was a short and terrible chapter. I know...... I TRIED! But it was sad! So I kinda just ended it..... Let me know what you think!

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