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A/N: I just want to say a really quick thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments so far! I'm always so happy to hear your thoughts and opinions! Love you!!

I tapped my pencil on the desk as I watched the clock that was hanging on the classroom wall ticking away at its odd and broken rhythm. It was last period on a Friday and there was a charged air in the room that made everyone's feelings obvious. We all wanted to leave. I wasn't sure how much time I'd have with Mitch today, he mentioned something about it being his friend's birthday and there being a party but I wasn't sure which day he meant. It'd be good for him to hang out with people from his own area though, he didn't seem to do that a lot.

I shrugged, going back to the history notes I was writing. I'd already started to fall behind, I couldn't allow myself to get too distracted by Mitch that I start failing. My parents would probably kick me out. My mind drifted off and I was suddenly curious about out what my parents got  up to when they were my age. Probably doing hard drugs and listening to some 'influential' music. That's what they called it when they heard me listening to the Beyoncé album I bought. I don't really care though, Mitch was right when he said that Beyonce was ***Flawless.

I finished the work just as the school bell rang and threw my backpack over my shoulder, telling Alex I'd see him later and heading off to the park. Mitch wasn't there when I arrived, but I didn't mind. I just pulled out some of my homework and started it. I knew that no one did homework on a Friday afternoon, but I had the time to spare, so why not? I worked until I heard footsteps and looked up to see Mitch smiling at me, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I put an arm out and he sat down, snuggling into my side like he usually did. I would never get tired of the way that his body fit into mine. He moulded into me so perfectly, his head resting just below my chin and his legs sitting next to mine comfortably.

"What's up?" I asked softly, moving the hand that wasn't around him to fix his hair.

"Nothing." The word was blunt and I knew that it was hiding something, but I didn't want to push him. "Do you want to come to a party tomorrow night?" He asked and looked up at me. The question caught me off guard, so I just stared at him for a little while before realising that I was supposed to answer.

"Um... Wouldn't I get caught? It's not exactly a private place we could hide..." I looked down at him and he shrugged.

"It's a costume party. People always dress up as different colours. It'll be fun, come on please?" He pouted at me and I couldn't say no to those eyes.

"Doesn't red have an issue with you dressing up as different colours?" I asked softly, more scared than curious at this point.

"Not really. I mean they do, but they also can't really do anything. Freedom of speech and all. So it's not so much a party as it is a protest on the segregation of colours. They don't care as long as it's not people from other areas." He leaned up to poke my nose and wink. "So I'll have to do your makeup to make you look like it's a costume, don't worry." He grinned.

"Fine, fine. I'd probably get home now though, so I can do some chores and convince my parents to let me go. Alright?" I hugged him closer, still playing with his thin brown hair.

"Okay, I'll probably just hang here for a bit." He smiled softly and hugged me back before I stood up.

"You sure everything is okay?"

"Yeah, now go!" He laughed and leaned back to push my leg as I started walking, shaking my head at him.


I walked in the front door to the sight of my parents rushing around the house and cleaning every single already clean surface.

"Scott you're home early! Thank god, go clean the kitchen please we have the Maldonado's coming over tonight!" My mother put her hand in the small of my back and directed me to the kitchen where I finished drying the dishes and putting them away. The Maldonado's were family friends who we hadn't seen in ages. They had a daughter about my age, but she always spent time with Lauren when she was over. I had only really seen photos of her online but she looked really good, slimmed down a bit and dyed her hair lighter than it was. I hoped that we were still interested in the same things though, we used to do choir together and it would be a shame if she stopped using her beautiful voice.

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