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I just wanted to take a moment to thank the people who made this book possible. The book is over but there is space for a sequel if I ever get time.

First of all, I want to thank Pentatastic for putting up with all of my subtle teasing and my complaining when writing gets too hard.

I want to thank Katereri for putting up with my plotting and scheming (and for helping me come up with the ending.)

I want to thank pentatonix and all of the other characters in the book for lending me their lives to mess around with for a little while. This includes Halsey whose incredible song was the inspiration for this whole fanfiction.

I think that's it, I'm not actually popular enough to make a massive acknowledgements section. I do really want to thank everyone for consistently commenting and giving love to my books! Every single vote or comment has helped me in making this book and I'm so grateful to all of you. Hell, you got me a ptxaward! (Even though I'm not really sure what happened to that stuff...)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're all spectacular and way more than I deserve and while I love making you suffer, I also love speaking to you and being able to write for you. Let's hope that I can keep writing oneshots and small stories about our boys even if I don't have the time for full books. I love you all so much, and you definitely deserve a medal for getting to the end of this book!

I think that's all, let me know if I've missed anything... Ooft! I'm tearing up a little bit. I'm going to miss my purple boys. This is a mess but I don't think that many people will read my authors note so oh well!

Thank you, I love you, and never forget that it doesn't matter the colour of someone's skin, we're all people and we all deserve love and compassion. You deserve to love yourself and other people deserve love too.

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