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A/N: Did I mention that I made a playlist for this fic on Spotify? Well, I have now. (

I walked past Mitch who was sleeping happily, accidentally stopping for a moment to admire the beautiful boy in my bed.

I still couldn't believe everything that had happened the night before. I pulled on a t-shirt that sat below my hips and just over my boxers before kissing Mitch's temple and heading down to make us both breakfast.

I remembered Mitch once said that he preferred pancakes to waffles and started ransacking the cupboards for ingredients. I switched out the flour for a gluten free option, glad that Lauren had more or less the same diet as the red boy in my bed.

I started trying to make the batter but after the eighteenth try, I gave up and called Alex. The kitchen was a mess, and every surface was covered with some part of the ingredients. I quickly realised after calling Alex that he'd need the space to work so I started cleaning the benches almost aggressively.

"Oh my god Scott what have you done?" Alex whipped me with the hand towel gently and laughed before starting to clean up. With his help it was only twenty minutes before the pancakes were cooked and ready to go. I'd been put in charge of making smoothies and coffee while Alex worked his magic.

"Thank you so much, I can't thank you enough." We were making the last few pancakes with blueberries in them and my best friend looked at me over his shoulder.

"What would do without me?" He chuckled and I flicked a berry at the back of his head.

"I'd surely lose my mind." I watched him as he turned to look at me and somehow catch it in his mouth. That boy had superpowers, I swear. I laughed and thought about it for a moment, I really wouldn't have that much without him. "Thanks, really. You're a great friend." I must have been drunk. I'm never this sentimental.

"You're a great friend too." He smirked at me for a second "so, how was the sex?"

"How did you-" I blushed bright blue, I guess it was pretty obvious. "It was good. Amazing, really. He's so beautiful and my god he has a nice ass..." I stopped talking once I realized how much I was gushing.

"You're done for it man." He rolled his eyes and plated up the pancakes. "Go take food to your boy. And don't fall for him any more than you have, just get this out of your system. I love you and don't want to see you hurt."

"Yeah, of course. Thanks Allie!" I hugged him tight and closed my eyes.

"Oh, and let Mitch know that I'd love to hang out and get to know him more sometime." I nodded and ruffled his hair.

"Sure thing, now get out!" I giggled and he put his hands up in mock surrender before leaving.

It was a lot harder than I expected to put Mitch's breakfast on a tray and carry it to both of our rooms, but I managed to do it without spilling his coffee or his smoothie (I wasn't sure which he'd prefer so I made both).

"Morning sleepyhead" I cooed when I saw Mitch still asleep and he groaned, rolling onto his stomach the same way I would when my mom tried to get me up for school. The image in my mind of Mitch getting all grumpy before school made butterflies erupt in my stomach for some reason. I put the tray down to climb into bed next to him again, running my fingers through his hair.

"Hey Samantha." He said and rolled over so we were chest to chest, grinning up at me with his signature dimpled smile.

"I made breakfast." I could hear myself mumble, but I couldn't stop looking at him. His eyes lured me in and his smile kept me trapped.

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