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"Wait!" I quickly got a pack of ice from the freezer and put it against Mitch's split lip, hoping to stop any bruising. He resisted it for a second before giving in and holding it up by himself. "Okay, let's do this. You suggested it, so you go first. Truth or dare?" I tilted my head at Mitch and he thought about it for a second.


"Okay, why do you keep running away?"


I couldn't help but outwardly laugh at that, shaking my head at the boy. "That's not how it works, answer the question Mitchie."

"Fine... I only ran away once and I did it because I knew that you would be asking questions."

"What do you mean?"

"Truth or dare, Scott?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.


"I dare you to take a shot." He grinned. Of course.

"I don't have any alcohol..."

"Here." He ran up to my room and came back down with a bottle of vodka, making my eyes practically pop out of my head. "I hid it there when I left the note about the party. I knew it would come in handy." He winked and waved me of to get plastic cups. I wasn't getting drunk with my mom's fancy glassware. I put the cup down and Mitch smiled at me before pouring the liquid into my cup. I downed it in one mouthful, wincing at the burning sensation. I'd expected it, but it still managed to come as a slight surprise.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him, trying to think of a question for each.


"Have you ever dated someone?"

"I don't date."

"Truth or dare?"


"Have you ever dated someone?" Mitch turned the question on me and I glared at him, though it was only really half-hearted. It was only now that I notice he had been moving the ice around to different parts of his face as he spoke, relieving pain in those areas.

"No one that I liked. I've dated one or two girls before just to stop anyone from thinking I was gay." Mitch took another shot and I copied. "Truth or dare?"


"Would you date me?"

"I can't, but I would."

"Truth or dare?"


"Cuddle me on the couch?" Mitch got up and moved the ice that was on his face to the kitchen before coming back. He grabbed the bottle in one hand along with the cups in his other hand,walking over to the comfy furniture. I followed quickly and down first so that he could he hand me the cups before sitting between my legs and resting his head against my chest.

"How do we do dares now?" I frowned and ran a hand through his hair once he was settled with his own cup in one hand and the bottle of alcohol resting between his thighs.

"We could just do truth?" He suggested with a tired smile and of course I complied, my hands in his hair never faltering.

"Okay... Who's turn?"

"My turn. To answer." I giggled when I realised that it was something that needed clarification and he did the same before resting his head against my chest again.

"Do you believe in love?"

"I want to believe it exists." I looked up at the ceiling, hoping it would give me questions to ask. "Do you ever worry that you're going crazy?"

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