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I woke up in the morning and grabbed my phone with one thought on my mind: I needed to talk to Alex. There were doubts forming quickly in my mind about this party and I knew that he would talk some sense into me.

I just hoped that he wouldn't get upset with me.

Scotty: Hey Lex, can we meet up? I need to talk to u about some stuff x

I was lucky that Alex is always up early because he goes to work out at ridiculous times, because it meant that I got an immediate response.

Lexy: Yeah ofc. urs or mine?

Scotty: Neither. Meet in the street then figure it out from there?

Lexy: Sure thing. I'll text u when I'm on my way back from the gym. x

Scotty: where are u now? 

Lexy: I'm on my way to the gym, had to drop something off @ Ryan's 

Scotty: Oh okay, i'll see u when u get here 

Lexy: See u then :) hopefully you'll be out of bed by then

He knew me too well. I didn't bother replying because I knew he was about to start working out. I had a shower and got ready for the day, opening my front door and stepping out just as Alex came out of his own front door. He had his phone in his hand and looked like he was just about to send me a text. 

"Hey what's up blue eyes?" Alex leaned on the side of my dad's car, making me jump forward and pull him off. I knew that if there was so much as a scratch on the car, I wouldn't survive long enough to even get to the party. Without even thinking I started on my way down the street, looking around.

"Not much Alley Cat. You want to go for breakfast?" I felt my stomach rumble as I mentioned the possibility and he nodded at the suggestion. We were racing along the sidewalk before long, heading toward the cafe that we both knew too well.

We weren't racing so much as running alongside each other, our footsteps hitting the cement in synchronized movements. We both slowed down outside the cafe and I followed Alex in, the two of us looking around for a table and finding one in the back that was just by the window. I sat down first and picked up the menu, knowing that we couldn't talk here but we couldn't skip breakfast either. We'd just have to wait.

Alex ordered pancakes and I chose to have a croissant and we ate in a comfortable silence, though I noticed his eyes flick up to mine occasionally to make sure I was okay. I smiled softly in what I hoped was assurance and he went back to eating.

"Oh my god look over there!" I pointed to the other side of the restaurant and Alex turned around, just long enough for me to steal some of his pancakes before he turned back. I shoved it in my mouth and smiled innocently as he gasped when he realised and stole some of my food in retaliation.

We both finished eating what we had and I paid before we left with Alex still arguing about wanting to pay for himself. I simply ignored him and he directed us toward the lake where we often went in times like this growing up.

When we were finally sitting down by the privacy of the lake, letting the peace and quiet all around us soothe my nerves, Alex crossed his legs like he always did. It made him look much younger than he actually was, but it was endearing. He looked at me curiously and bit his lip, knowing that I'd tell him when I was ready.

"So... There's a boy..." I said softly and his face broke out into a grin.

"Ooh Scottyyyy! I knew it! Where did you meet him?" Alex rocked forward slightly, wanting all of the details.

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