Twenty One

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A/N: I have exams for the next two weeks and I've been studying really hard, so naturally... 

Also I posted the link on my profile but Colors is nominated for the PTXAwards this year!! If you don't know what that is, it's basically a tumblr run poll for the PTX fandom! I'd really love it if you could vote for me! (Although highkey you should vote for the other fics that are amazing because this fandom has such incredible writers!!!!!)  

Ok that's it! I'll talk to you kids later! Hopefully in the near future? I didn't use the s word but I probably should have

I woke with a jolt, unable to really move yet wide awake. 

It took me a moment to figure out where I was and what was happening, the first thing I was aware of being the striking pain through my left shoulder and then the warmth covering the right side of my body. I tilted my head and smiled as I saw the boy curled into me, his chest rising and falling peacefully. 

It reminded me of a night not too long ago, the two of us laying in my bed with sweat-slicked skin and  chests that rose and fell at a rapid rate. I ran my hand over Mitch's shaved scalp, wishing we could just go back to the basics of that moment. The simple life. My hand trailed down his arm and I slowly ran my fingers over the smooth skin, enjoying these moments when he was sleeping. He seemed so calm, his fiery personality bubbling under the skin yet at peace in a strange way. 

I managed to look away from the small boy and extracted myself from his grip, grabbing my phone and wandering out of the room as to let him sleep. I turned on my phone and grimaced at the bright light it emitted before seeing the time. 3:17am. 

I wondered where Alex was, and Kirstie and Troye. Were they safe? Had they been caught? Surely they hadn't been caught, they were ahead of me and they were ridiculously smart. Was I going to be able to find them? 

Baby Boy: Hey Kit, where are you guys?? I'm safe, I found Mitch. But are you safe? 

Ten minutes went past, each spent with me pacing back and forth in Mitch's lounge room. Thank god they had a rug otherwise everyone in this house would be awake. I do not have light footsteps. Wow, really? I wouldn't believe that from someone your height! Shocking, I know. 

My phone still rested silently in my hand, refusing to even light up let alone vibrate. I was losing my patience and quickly. They were probably fine but I couldn't handle not knowing especially when it came to my friends. Oh god, what if they hate me? What if they think that I abandoned them? 

I mean, I sort of did but that's not the point. Oh god, I'm a horrible person, aren't I? 

Scotty: Alex!!! Where are you guys?? I hope your phone's dead or you're sleeping or something otherwise I'm going to lose my shit!!! Please.  

I sat down on the couch, placing the phone on the small table in front of me. I couldn't move much still, each step included swinging my upper body which wasn't in the happiest of states at this point. I decided to take the chance, pulling down my shirt to have a look at the wound. It was bandaged of course, but there was blood seeping through and I was definitely going to have to clean it in the morning. 

Another five minutes passed and I'd sent three more texts to Alex, four to Kirstie, and six to Troye. I was pacing again, yet a lot slower and more carefully this time. My hair was messed up on one side from me running my fingers through it as I kept my eyes on my phone. 

"Scott?" The tired voice came from the door as I had my back to it, making me jump slightly and turn around quickly. 

"Mitchy... Mitch. Sorry. Mitch." I shook my head and ran the hand through the one side of my hair, smiling at the small boy. "You should be asleep. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" 

"A little, yeah. What are you doing up anyway?" He padded over to me as if he was going to see some magic plan I'd been working on. 

"I just need to contact my friends, make sure they're alright." I shrugged and suddenly was forced to grip just below my shoulder to hold everything still as the pain shot through my body. "Sorry, yeah my friends." 

"Are they here too? In red?" Mitch frowned slightly, wrapping his arms around himself as he looked up at me. 

"Yeah, because I'm a shitty friend who got them into all of this." I rolled my eyes and looked at Mitch, silently apologising because I knew that I'd gotten him into this mess too. 

"Oh okay, shouldn't be hard to find them then. I'll send something out in the morn–" 

"No!" I shook my head fast. "You can't say anything! They'll be killed!" I said in a harsh whisper, aware that we didn't want to wake Noah up. 

"– in the morning to my friends. They'll either know or have an idea where to find them. No one's going to find out." 

"If I find out that they've been in danger I don't know what I'll do, I'm such a horrible friend..." My mind was going to bad places, and I knew that I shouldn't think the way I was but my mind wouldn't just stop wandering because I told it to. 

"No, look it's fine. They're okay." Mitch ran his fingers down my arm and I took a deep breath. 

"Fine. But if I find out that there's so much as a scratch on any of them I'm going to beat you up. You're small but we both know that it's fair game." I slumped down on the couch, both of us knowing that I could never go through with that threat. I looked up at the small boy who was looking at me with his arms folded over his chest. "Sorry. I didn't mean that. Well I did, but I didn't mean it that way. You know what I meant." 

"You're forgiven." I stood up as Mitch took my hand and started leading me back toward his bedroom. "Now come, sleep." 

We laid down in his bed, the only sounds around us being the gentle hum of the trains that clearly ran at all hours here and the light breaths that formed as our chests raised and lowered in sync. 

"What are you here for? Is there a plan in that mind of yours? You clearly can't go back..." Mitch eventually spoke up, his fingers reaching up to trail along the patch of discoloured part of my face as I felt the small pins prick the inside of my skin, tingling where he touched. 

"We were... We are going to try and find a way out. Out of all of this. There's always been talk of the fact that there's more beyond the boundaries. That there's a whole other world." 

"And if there's not?" Mitch cut in, his logical mind balancing my dreams as always in a perfect harmony. 

"Then we're still in the same spot as where we are now, just with a little more fun." I looked over and I could see a small grin playing on his lips even in the dark. "Come with us, please." 

"Goodnight Scotty." He rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes, allowing me to do the same as I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

I didn't need dreams, I had everything I needed in my arms. 

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