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Slight trigger warning for drug and alcohol usage. 

When we got to the party it was already in full swing, but I guess that was part of Mitch's plan. If everyone was drunk enough, no one would notice how different I looked. Which in turn meant that I didn't really have to worry too much about whether I fit in.

I coughed as I walked into the house and straight into a cloud of smoke. Ok, maybe they're not just drunk. Mitch was unfazed as he continued to pull me through the crowd of people until he saw two men sitting on a couch. His walking came to a gradual stop in front of them and he put a hand on my shoulder to steady himself.  

"Meat and Potatoes!" I noticed their heads snap up as Mitch moved to, sit across their laps a little ungracefully. The smaller of the two was wearing what could only be described as a dragon costume, with little makeup except for the glitter that was littering his temples and cheekbones, his brown hair pulled back into a bun and his beard trimmed neatly. Mitch had told me enough about these two friends of his and I already recognised him as Avi. The other male, Kevin, had blue paint covering his body, wearing a blue polo shirt with a cardigan tied around his shoulders. I suddenly understood the stereotype, considering the fact that at least half of the people that I knew owned an outfit somewhat like that. I smiled at them and they smiled back, Avi eyeing me up in an almost intimidating way before looking to Mitch.

"So is this the mysterious Scott?" Avi asked and I nodded. Mitch interrupted me before I could introduce myself, almost proud that he had the chance to show me off to his friends.

"Yes! Scotty this is Avi, and Kevin!" I sat down and held my hand out to them to shake, greeting each of them politely but not too politely as to seem 'blue' I guessed? I spread my legs a little and squared my shoulders, trying my best to seem more manly than I really was. Of course I had to rearrange my position again when Mitch climbed across to sit in my lap, causing a chuckle to leave my lips. I had no idea what had gotten into him, he was suddenly giving me all of these nicknames and was just randomly touching me all the time. He suddenly pulled a joint from his pocket and lit it, taking a drag and offering it to me.

That explained a lot of his behaviour so far. "No thanks Mitchy, you have it..." I smiled and watched him take another drag, my eyes unable to look away from the way the smoke poured from his lips. I shouldn't have found it attractive, but I really did.

He offered some to the man I now knew as Avi and I giggled slightly as he blew the smoke out of his nose, making him look more like a dragon than he already was. We all talked and laughed, another group of people making their way over to us, including a girl with short light red hair named Ashley and a boy with red messy hair named Josh. Ashley was dressed as some kind of boxer in a white robe and Josh was a yellow. They were all really lovely, and I quickly noticed that all of the people I'd met from red were very ambitious and passionate people.

"Yeah, it was crazy! I couldn't believe what was going on. Tyler - he's around here somewhere, started it all, and--" I was halfway through my conversation with Ashley when I heard Mitch's voice from next to me, a lot louder than it would have been in any normal state of mind.

"Hey Scott, come meet Mary Jane!"

I turned my head and I was met with Mitch's lips on mine, breathing smoke into my mouth. I inhaled it and immediately felt a little dizzy, he pulled out and the white cloud blew past my lips in a line from his. The sight was almost beautiful, seeing his face clouded by the thick gas. I was mad that he'd forced it on me, but couldn't help smiling at him and trying to memorise the feeling of his lips on my own. It was cliche and stupid but I couldn't help it. The hit was really strong and I was already feeling relaxed, but it wasn't enough to cloud my mind for any longer than a couple of seconds. I shrugged it off then smiled at Mitch and put my hand out as a familiar song came on. He took it and I led him over to where other people had been dancing, pulling him close and moving my body against his.

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