Chapter 2

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"L-Liam?" I gasped. It's been two weeks since I gave
him my false number. I half-expected him to show up
to the diner, demanding why I gave him a fake number
but he never showed up. I pretended like it didn't hurt. I
also pretended like I didn't think of him every time I
went to bed at night.
"My, my what do we have here?" My familiar stranger
clucked his tongue. His penetrating eyes flickered
across my body, making me realize I answered the door
in my sleep wear. Which included short shorts and a
tight camisole so that it supported my girls without a
I was now entering dangerous ground. I'd practically dry
humped the man in my workplace, what was stopping
me from doing it in the privacy of my home? While he
looked absolutely yummy in a tailored suit?
I cleared my throat, pulling at the hem of my shorts.
"W-what are you doing here?" I stammered. I was
tempted to slam the door in his face but something
told me a door wouldn't stop Liam Collins from getting
to me.
"Here to spend time with my date. Dinner smells
delicious," he sniffed nonchalantly before stepping
forward, forcing me to back up, involuntarily giving him
permission to enter my home.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
I closed the door behind him, finally noticing that he
was holding a bottle of bubbly liquor and a bouquet of
flowers. They were purple, my favorite color.
"How do you know where I live?" I tried to say in a
demanding tone.
"Connections my dear, comes in handy when stubborn
girls stand you up," he placed the champagne on my
small kitchen table and held the flowers out to me. I
took them, sniffing them when he looked away.
"Ever take a hint?" I huffed, throwing the dying flowers
I'd forgotten to get rid off away and placing the new
ones in the vase on my coffee table.
"Which one? The one where I had you moaning my
name from one, simple kiss?" He shot at me, taking off
his suit jacket and throwing it across my couch.
I blushed.
"So, dinner?" He repeated, walking towards my little
kitchenette. My apartment was so tiny that it took him
two steps to get to my kitchen from my living room.
"Spaghetti," I mumbled, slumping my shoulders in
"Where do you work?" I asked hesitantly, twirling saucy
pasta on my fork.
"Collins Advertisement. It's a family business so once
my father decides to retire I'll be CEO. Right now I'm
just CFO," he waved his fork around as if to brush what
he said away like it was nothing. Could my eyes get any
"Wow," I breathed.
"I've been bred and groomed for that job so it's really
no big deal," he muttered, taking a sip of the
champagne he brought. I followed, wrinkling my nose
when the bubbles tickled my lips. I frowned when I
looked up to see Liam staring at me with an odd look
on his face.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ran my
fingers under my lips to make sure I didn't have any red
gravy on my chin.
He smiled, "nothing. You're just so adorable with your
little expressions."
I ducked my head to hide my blushing cheeks.
I stood up. "Um, would you like some more to drink? I-"
My mind went blank when I felt his hands grasp my
hips. They pulled my body right between his knees, his
body heat making my knees so weak that I had to grab
his shoulders to keep from falling.
"Always running away from me," he grunted, his lips
pulling up into a smirk when I looked up into his eyes.
"Stay. I want to talk. I want to get to know this beautiful
girl. Will you allow me?"
I gulped and nodded my head mutely. I tried to step out
from between his legs but his grip only tightened.
"Why do you work at the diner?"
The question caught me off guard. "To...get money?" I
"I know that darling," he snorted. "What I meant is why
the diner? Did you not go to school? You look young."
My eyebrow rose. "I'm 21. My dad, he's too sick to
work so I help my mom out with the bills. As you can
see I really don't have the time or money for college." I
gestured to my shoebox of an apartment.
His jaw tensed as he turned his head to the left to
inspect my apartment. "I see," he muttered, standing up
but not letting my body move an inch,

his hard body brushed against mine. He was so tall that
I could easily tuck my head under his chin. Mentally I
shook the thought away, no way was I getting close to
this man.
"Mind if we sit on the couch?"
I nodded my head.
I tried to put some space between us, but it useless
when he pulled me down on his lap, my legs horizontal
and resting on the cushion next to us.
"What do you do on your spare time?" He asked quietly,
his eyes on my face.
I shrugged, resisting the urge to wiggle. "Read. Work.
Sleep. Hang out with my friends from the diner."
"And do you enjoy those things?" He asked.
Again, I shrugged. "It's not ideal, what person doesn't
want more? But I can't really be too demanding,
especially with my situation."
"You mean your parent's situation," he intersected.
I frowned, "I-I guess."
"Because you're not the one sick, nor the one who
promised to take care of your father in sickness and in
health," he continued.
"Tell me Sabrina, if you could go to school, what would
it be for?" He asked, cutting me off.
"B-business? Literature?" I spluttered out. Where the hell
was he going with all these questions?
He hummed, his eyes wide and bright as they stared out
of space. I fidgeted, gasping when his hips thrusted up,
his pelvis pushed against my butt. My body heated up
when I felt a hard bulge pressed against my body,
hoping to God it was his phone.
Liam grunted, pulling his hips back, "sorry love, it's been
awhile since I've been around an attractive woman," he
"Oh," I squeaked, afraid to move.
"Would you mind if I used your bathroom?" He picked
me up bridal style and placed me beside him on the
I wordlessly pointed to one of the two doors across
from us.
Getting up seemed like an issue as he shuffled
awkwardly to my small bathroom. I hadn't realized I
stopped breathing until the door clicked shut and a gust
of air left my mouth. I swung my legs around and stood
up shakily, running to my bedroom to put some
sweatpants on and a baggy tshirt.
Maybe some of the sexual frustration will go away if I'm
wearing clothes.
I froze momentarily, dropping the shirt I was about to
put on and turned around to see Liam standing in my
He chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement, "what
are you doing?"
"Changing?" I hesitated.
"Why? I was quite fond of what you had on before," He
murmured, taking a step towards me.
"Sorry?" What? Why am I apologizing?
He took another step. "Are you afraid of me Sabrina?"
I hesitated, playing with my fingers. "I don't know," I
answered honestly, my voice shallow, "should I?"
My heart seemed to dump louder and louder with each
step he took, so loud that I was sure he could hear it.
His eyes never left mine.
"I don't know," he taunted, lifting his hand up with trace
my jaw with his finger. He was inches from me now, so
close that I could feel his breath blowing in my face in
small puffs. "Sabrina, darling, are you a virgin?"
I shook my head, unable to speak.
His eyes narrowed. "When was the last time you a had
a boyfriend?"
"Er, um, two year I think?" I mumbled, suddenly feeling
inexperienced. My last boyfriend had been a lousy lay,
only caring for his own needs. I broke up with him
shortly after my father got sick. Liam's probably been
with tons of women, with his looks and all. Most likely
sweet talked a handful of coeds into his bed.
He opened his mouth, but before a word could leave his
tempting lips, a loud beep rang. I jumped away from
him as Liam growled.
Yes, growled.
He pulled out his phone and glared at the screen.
"Collins, what?" He barked out. I quickly picked up the
shirt I dropped and shrugged it on, ignoring him as he
stared at me. I needed to get out of here, more
importantly get him out of here before I did something I
"Tell Mitchell to take care of it," he growled, stepping in
my way when I tried to leave. I huffed, the nerve of this
man. "It's a simple enough job."
"Move," I whispered fiercely, glaring at him. He shook
his head, glaring back at me.
Liam rolled

his eyes. "Alright, tell my father I'll be there shortly," he
muttered grumpily. "Goodbye Walter." He shoved his
phone in his pocket. "Sabrina-"
"Would you like some spaghetti to go?" I mocked,
smiling sweetly as I tried to squeeze by him. He
stopped me by encircling his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry but there was a mix up at work, trust me
when I say I'd rather be here than there," he groaned,
burying his face in my hair. My breathing stuttered. I
barely knew this man and already he had so many
reactions from me. I needed to put a stop to this.
Whatever this was anyways.
"I think you should go," I mumbled.
He sighed, crushing my body to his. "I hate that you're
right," he muttered, his voice muffled by my hair. I
shivered. He let me go, gesturing for me to walk out
first. I did, picking his jacket up and handing it to him.
"Dinner was very tasty," he chuckled, shrugging his
jacket on and licking his lips as his eyes flickered to
mine then back up to my eyes. "May I?" He asked
I hesitated, mentally shrugging, what the hell? One more
kiss wouldn't kill me. I nodded my head.
I didn't have time to blink before Liam had my face
cradled in his hands, my lips pressed against his.
Soft and warm, just like last time.
A tiny moan left my lips as he coaxed mine open, his
tongue invading my mouth as I reached out to fist his
jacket. His hands slide down, one to my waist, and the
other one reaching out to cup my ass. I gasped, pulling
back when the need for air came to strongly. Liam was
perfectly content to suck on my neck as I caught my
"Sabrina, baby, it's been a long two weeks," he groaned,
pulling back to look at me with hooded eyes. "And as
much as I would like to pull these offending clothes off
you and ravish that delectable body of yours, I have to
go. Next time, yes?"
I nodded, because I was a terrible liar whenever I had to
talk out loud.
I felt guilty as his eyes lite up, a grin breaking across
his face as he gave my ass one last squeeze and
pecking my lips two more times before rushing out.
God, why did it feel like my soul was splitting in half?

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