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 Written by  Spencer7639 on Deviantart

The water splashed beneath my feet as I speed walked along the sidewalk. Rain trickled down around me and on me, and it was freezing. Where the fuck was my car?! And who's stupid idea was it to make the music store right next to a crowded club? And why did I decide to go to the music store at 11:30 at night? WHAT MUSIC STORE IS OPEN AT 11:30?!

Finally, I reached my car, parked next to a very shady looking alley. I didn't think much of it until I heard a soft, squeaking, helpless voice coming from it. I spun around and stared down the alley until my eyes adjusted to the darkness. When they did, I quickly spotted a figure, lying down in the wet concrete and barely moving.

I didn't know what was going on, or who it could be, but I didn't have to. I slowly crept into the alley, and there he was was; a man, lying naked on the ground and weeping still. His almost-tan skin was covered in tattoos, but the fresh bruises and cuts took the attention away. When he saw me, he gasped and pulled his knees to his body.

"P-please don't h-h-hurt me." he pleaded through weeps.

I shook my head and knelt down. "No, no...why would I hurt you?" The man didn't reply. "What happened to you?" I asked more seriously, my voice lower.

The man sniffed. "H-he...he...ra--" he couldn't even say it, but I think I understood. "Are you going to hurt me, too?" he went on instead.

I shook my head quickly and shuffled closer to him. I removed my jacket and wrapped it around his smaller body, then wrapped my arms around him. "I don't know who you are, but I would never hurt you. Especially not like he did."

I felt the man shake a little under my arms as he nodded. I pulled away and rubbed his left arm lightly and stared into his sad, beautiful green eyes. He stared back and sniffed. I still didn't even know his name.

"I'm going to drive you home, okay?" I stated.

"NO!" he exclaimed suddenly, sitting up. He winced a bit. "He'll...he'll find me again."

I frowned. How could someone do something so terrible to someone so sweet and innocent? I sighed. "I'll take you to my house. Is--is that okay?" I offered.

The man nodded slowly. "Yes. Thank you."

I smiled lightly and stood up again. "You're welcome." I replied, holding out my hand. "Come on."

Slowly, the man rose his hand to mine, and with my assistance, finally stood up on his own two feet. It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't even glanced at his crotch and stared. I was too worried about his well being. Besides; it probably wasn't the time to look at his private parts. Not after...

He did his best to make the coat I had given him cover up as much of his body as possible, but it wasn't cutting the mustard. I quickly guided him into the front seat of my car, then traveled to the back where i stored extra blankets and coats. I gathered almost all of them, then set them on the man's lap as I got back in the car.

The man nodded in thank you, and I drove off. I couldn't help but glance at him as he gazed out the window, a few tears still rolling down his soft, cute little cheeks. Oh god...was I--

"I didn't quite catch your name." I stated finally, breaking the silence.

He looked over suddenly and cleared his throat. "Frank." he replied, in almost a whisper.

I nodded and gave him my name in return. "Gerard." I said.

I almost offered to shake his hand then, but remembered suddenly that I was driving. He laughed at my awkward moment and made me laugh too. He shifted slightly in his seat, causing one of the blankets to slump off his left shoulder and reveal as much as his nipple. I felt my face get hot so I focused back on the road.

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