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Written by yummyaoicupcake on Deviantart

"Give me my fucking socks!"

Gerard, now distracted from the reality TV show he'd been watching, looked down at his feet, and then up at Frank. "They're not your socks!"

"Yes they are! See that hole under the big toe? And the pizza stain on the ankle?"

"How the hell did you get pizza on your feet?"

"So you admit it! They are my socks!"

"I never said that!"

"Just give me my fucking socks!" Frank lunged for the other's feet, but Gerard pulled his legs to his chest just in time to foil the guitarist's attempt at retrieving his socks.

He lunged again, this time hitting his mark. The shorter man held Gerard's wrists above his head, straddling his midsection, when he noticed his dilemma. With both hands occupied, how could he get the socks off the singer's feet.

Before he could think of a solution, something happened that he would have never expected, not in his nineteen years on this planet:

Gerard kissed him.

It was a ferocious kiss, full of hostility and lust, tongues probing each other's mouths and battling for dominance. Surprisingly, Frank found himself enjoying it, much more than he should have. Their hips ground together in the compromising position they's been in, and their hands explored each other's bodies, probing and rubbing every possible surface.

All of a sudden, the moment was broken as an earth shattering scream tore through the room. "What the-" Frank broke the feirce embrace, looking up at the source of the scream. Mikey stood in the doorway, his eyes wider than the death star.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS JUST DOING!?!?!?" he shreiked, sounding like a ten year old girl who had just seen a spider.

Frank and Gerard looked at each other, still in the same position they'd been during their kiss (if you could even call it that).

Frank smiled deviously and turned back to Mikey. "Looking for my socks."


Both boys just cracked into laughter, stood up, and headed for the bedroom.

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