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Written by LyricDiAngelo on Deviantart

-Frank POV-

"Whoa, check out the new kid." Ray nudged me in the ribcage and after whacking him on the arm, I turned.

A talk boy with shaggy dark hair, pale skin, big, scared-looking eyes and a lollipop jammed firmly in his mouth walked past our table, lunch tray in hand. He looked for a place to sit but nobody seemed to be offering.

"You think we should ask him to sit with us?" I muttered, transfixed by the way he moved the lollipop from one side of his mouth to the other without using his hands.

He caught me looking at him and smiled shyly. I looked away.

Ray groaned. "Frank! You aren't crushing on this guy are you? He's a total weirdo!"

"No..." I said blushing. "And what makes you say that?"

"You're blushing, you're muttering and you've been staring at him for way longer than a normal person would. You're even staring at him right now!"

I dropped my gaze, embarrassed. "No, I mean why say he's a weirdo?" I whispered quickly.

The boy was coming closer and closer to our table and I didn't want Ray to hurt his feelings.

Ray held up a hand and started counting on his fingers. "One, he's a foreign exchange student from god knows where. Two, he hasn't taken the lollipop out of his mouth for the whole day. Not even in class! Three, he hasn't said a single word to anyone, not even to the teachers! Four, every teacher just acts as if it's alright for him to be so weird! Five-"

"Sh! He's coming!" I hissed, clamping a hand over Ray's mouth.

He mumbled angrily and then licked my hand.

"EW!" I yelled, pulling my hand away and wiping it angrily on my jeans.

The boy stopped at our table and looked at the seat next to me and then up at my face. He set down his tray, pulled the lollipop out of his mouth and asked, "Is this seat taken?" in the cutest Irish brogue I had ever heard.

"No, you can sit here." I muttered absently.

Ray raised an eyebrow. "So what's your name new kid?"

"I prefer the term "exchange student."" he smiled. "But it's Gerard. Gerard Way."

"Huh, quite a mouthful isn't it Frankie?" Ray sneered turning to me.

Gerard shrugged. "My friends called me Gee." he squinted at Ray. "And isn't your name Raymond?"

Ray blushed.

"He's got you there Ray." I snickered.

My friend glared at me and stood up angrily. "We'll then, see you later Frankie. You too lollipop boy."

Gerard gave Ray a little two fingered salute. "Right back at you Raymond."

After Ray had gone, Gerard turned to face me and smiled an adorable smile. I could feel a hot blush creeping up my neck. "So is your name really Frankie or is it short for something?"

"Long for Frank actually..." I breathed.


"So um... where do you come from?" I asked, flinching. What a stupid question. I mentally kicked myself.

But Gerard seemed amused. He leaned closer to me, giving his lollipop (which I thought was grape by the sweet, grape smell on his breath) an absent lick.

"Well, you probably can't tell by my accent but I'm from Ireland." he whispered as if it was a big secret.

I laughed.

After that, the ice was pretty much broken and we each learned a little bit about each other. One thing we were both surprised by was each-others ages. Gerard was sceptic when I told him I was fifteen but I got that a lot (what can I say, I'm a dwidget...). I, on the other hand, was shocked to learn that Gerard was seventeen and still in my grade.

"I was held back a couple of times..." he said, obviously embarrassed.

I sucked in a breath. Gerard looked so adorable. His hair was dark and silky and his bright hazel eyes peeked out from under his shaggy bangs. He twirled the lollipop stick in between his fingers and his smile was shy and hopeful. In short, I was utterly and totally in love.

"Hey, no worries." I said, gently placing a hand onto his cheek.

Gerard's eyes became huge and they traveled quickly to my hand. I drew away. Shit. I ruined the moment.

"Um, yeah, I have to... go!" I blurted, shoving my chair back with such force that the boy behind me's face smashed into his fries.

"Sorry!" I said, quickly picking up my tray and running away from Gerard.

After lunch, I didn't see Gerard in class.

But Ray swaggered in with a big grin on his face.

"Hey Ray, do you know where Gerard is?" I asked suspiciously.

Ray laughed. "Why, you miss your boyfriend?" he teased.

I blushed and said nothing.

All through class, Ray kept shooting me these knowing looks and by the end, I was dying to know what the joke was.

"Go home the back way and you'll see." Ray smirked when I asked him.

And I did. I got the joke. But I didn't think it was that funny. Well, ok, maybe a little...

Gerard was tied to a tree, his jeans around his ankles and his lollipop in his mouth with tape around it so he couldn't spit it out. His hair was messed up, his cheeks tearstained and he was mumbling angrily.

"Gerard?" I laughed.

He mumbled something incomprehensible and I ran up to him, gently pulling the tape off of his perfect pink lips and pulling the lollipop out of his mouth.

"Thanks." Gerard sighed after licking his lips in a really tempting way.

He bent his head and tried to wipe his tears away on his jacket but I tiled his chin upwards and brushed them away myself. Gerard blushed.

"Your stupid friend just... ugh!" he spluttered angrily.

I clamped one hand over my mouth, my shoulders shaking with silent mirth.

"Not funny!" Gerard snapped, "Raymond said something about me taking you away... I don't know, he's freaking CRAZY!"

It was my turn to blushed. "Did he uh... tell you that I'm... um..." I trailed off, biting my lip and shifting my gaze.

Gerard smiled, "Frank, I see the way you look at me... and I like you too."

I grinned.

"I... I like your boxers." I whispered slyly.

Gerard groaned, blushing harder than he already was. "Oh, Frank, will you just untie me?" he whimpered.

"I'll untie you on one condition." I replied.

"As long as it has nothing to do with Raymond, I'll do anything." Gerard begged.

I laughed and leaned close to his ear, kissing his cheek gently and wrapping my arms around his neck. The lollipop brushed gently against his face, near his mouth and he stuck his tongue out and licked the side of his mouth.

"I'll untie you..." I whispered, my lips brushing his earlobe. "If you let me lick your lollipop."

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