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Written by jellobot0005 on Deviantart

Gerard's POV


I remember when I lost all that weight, the happiness that came with it. Now I wasn't that "emo fat fag" I was just going to be that "emo fag". That's how good as it got with my school life, with my life in general. I can remember seeing Frankies face for the first time in the lunch room in September, getting a flutter in my stomach and watching him as life seemed to stand still. He was beautiful, and as I looked down at my lunch tray I realized that I wouldn't be as beautiful as him if I got fat again. And at that moment I started to feel really fat.

I ran straight to the bathroom and checked to make sure no one was there. I entered the handicap stall so I had room to lean over the toilet and pushed my fingers down my mouth. That was it, the first time I made myself throw up. And even two months later I couldn't seem to stop. At home I would go to the downstairs bathroom to throw up so no one could hear me. One time in the middle of the night Mikey walked in on me puking and I just told him I ate something weird. He believed me and went back to sleep.

But I'm still fat. People tell me I'm super slim but I can tell they're wrong. I can feel it every time I walk down the hall way. I know exactly what they are saying; I don't even need to listen. Thunder thai's, kankles, five chins, flaps, love handles, I know it all. And I know how much they tease when I start running down the hallway to get away from it all.

That's what I'm doing right now actually. Running from the lunch room, trying to find that dirty bathroom that no one ever uses. I can hear everyone laughing at me as I do. I shut my eyes closed and start sprinting, my long, raven hair skidding up to my face with every step I take. I'm clutching my books with my arms, having them close to my chest as if someone is going to take them away at any-

"OW!" I heard a familiar voice say. I immediately tripped on top of them, realizing I had just head butted someone.


When I opened my eyes a gasp escaped from my lips. I was looking down at the beautiful Frank Iero, his face inches away from mine. A bruise was forming on his head as I started to sense the pain in mine. He was wearing a black hoodie and some skinny jeans. God, he looked so cute. "Get off me, you smell like puke." He growled. I quickly shuffled off him and gathered my books. People began to laugh as I starting picking up my books and some jock slammed them of my hands as soon as I was done collecting them. When I leaned over to pick them up the same jock kneed me in my jaw with so much power that I started to taste blood in my mouth. The collision of my teeth with my tongue was too much for me to handle and I curled up next to the lockers, putting my hands over my ears and hoping a bell would ring so these people could stop laughing at me. After a minute or so it did and the crowd started to dispatch.

I got up quickly and was immediately hit with a dizzy feeling. It got worse each time I leaned down to pick up a book. But then as I leaned in for the next one another hand snatched it away before I could. I looked up and saw Frankie handing the book to me. "I'm guessing this is yours." He said. I nodded, feeling a knot in my throat. "So, what's your name?" He asked me. HE ASKED ME. FRANKIE WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ASKING ME A QUESTION.

I opened my mouth to answer but felt something trickling down my face. Shit, I'm drooling. I said to myself. Frankie stretched one of his hoodie arms to cover his hand and started dabbing the substance away. I placed a finger on my lip and looked at it. Blood. I guess I must've really bit hard into my tongue. I let out a sigh and Frankie made a face of disgust. "I'm sorry dude, it's just your breath smells so much like vomit!" He said while continuing to dab away my blood, but using his other sweater sleeve to cover his nose and mouth.

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