İ Remember

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Written by Spencer7639

"Do you remember Gerard?" My mom asked.

I sat there in silence for a while, staring into my bowl of Fruit Loops as I searched through my memories. Gerard? It sounded familiar. The first thing that came to mind when I thought about it was pale skin. He had pale skin. That's pretty much all I recalled. I'm bad with memories; sometimes I just completely forgot or blocked things out.

I nodded lightly and looked at my mom. "Kinda. Why?"

"Kinda?" she questioned, "You and his brother Mikey used to play all the time when you were little! I think you were about seven..."

This sounded familiar. Kind of unlikely that I forgot something like that from nine years ago, though. I shrugged and took a spoonful of my cereal. "Whatever. What about it?"

"Well they moved down here last week and we're going to have dinner with them tonight at their house." My mom explained.

I groaned in reaction, causing my mother to glare. I hated new people, even when they weren't so new. The moment someone found out I was gay they'd totally write me off as some fag who doesn't deserve their time. So why would I want to go to dinner at new family's house just to get ostracized again? Yeah, no thanks.

"Do I have to go?" I asked.

"Yes!" she ordered. "I'm going to work. I'll pick you up after work, so be ready by five."

I nodded and shrugged her off.

"And Frank? Don't give Gerard OR Mikey a bad time." Before I could ask questions or argue for myself, she was out the door, and I really didn't have the energy to go out and continue the conversation.

Besides; she was probably right to warn me.


As my mom pulled into the driveway of the large house, I felt a sudden sense of nervousness to talk to someone who hasn't seen me in so long. Although I didn't quite remember Gerard, I knew he would remember me. I gazed up at the large house and saw someone in the upstairs window. He stared down at a desk as if in actually physical pain. As he glanced out the window, he smiled at our presence and left.

That image of him in his window stuck in my head for a long time. It was definitely ringing some bells, that large smile and tiny teeth. His hair was different now, though. Things were coming back; slowly, but they were coming.

Before I knew it, we were at the porch and my mom was ringing the doorbell. She turned to me and sighed. "Be. Good." She stated evilly.

"Okay, I won't set off the bombs." I mumbled with a smirk. My mom rolled her eyes in grief, but her expression turned completely around as the door opened, a fake smile spreading across her face.

"Donna!" she exclaimed, hugging the woman at the door.

"Oh, it's been so long..." they exchanged a few more fake smiles and greetings before we finally decided to go inside. I smiled politely as the woman started talking to me.

"Look at you, Frank, I haven't seen you since..." she chuckled as she studied my face, "...since you had a few less holes in your face. What are these—piercings?"

I almost rolled my eyes, but for once, I actually took note of my mom's warning. Besides; I didn't have the energy to be my usual snarky teenage boy self. I smiled politely and nodded. "Only a few." I finally uttered.

Donna shook her head and sighed. "Any tattoos?" she joked.

I shook my head. "Not yet."

My mom and Donna thought I was joking and shared a laugh, but I simply smiled between them with complete seriousness. I turned my head and saw a dark figure sitting at the stairs, staring down at his own feet. Gerard looked up and smiled. I tried to smile back, but a sudden wave of memories washed over me. Wait a minute...

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