§ extended synopsis §

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The seemingly overtold story

of a girl shunned away from

social acceptance

and left to her own devices

to find the will to go on

and find the beauty in the world

even when there was none in her.

hello you beautiful creature on the other side of the screen! thank you for clicking/tapping on my story! this is the first actual story i have ever written, so yay for me!

thank you if you keep scrolling down and keep reading, cuz that would mean so much to me. :D

LITTLE HEADS-UP:: this story contains much swearing, depressed stuff, things related to eating disorders that may be a bit triggering, and just my terrible writing skills. read at your own risk. (but please read.)

YO JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER:: please do not steal or repost any of the chapters and characters or anything on this book anywhere, except if it's to make those quote-things. please don't advertise or promote anything on this book either, especially your own works.

don't forget to vote and comment and follow me! please read on. :)


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