§ twenty-three §

47 8 4

The car ride to wherever

was silent.

She didn't ask him where,

she just hopped in

his car and

they drove away.

"Did I do or say something?"


She looked at him then,

completely oblivious

as to what he was speaking of.

"You talk to me as if you hate me

and always leave me at

the lunch table,

barely saying anything.

Did I say something wrong?"

She felt all

w a r m

inside, after he spoke.

He paid attention to her.

He didn't call her

a bitch right away

for being so...

well, bitchy.

[ He actually c a r e s. ]

"Thank you,"

she whispered.

"Huh, what?"

"Uh, I said no,

I don't hate you."

He smiled.

She smiled back,

a r e a l smile.

[ I don't hate him. ]

[ I hate myself. ]

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