Chapter 4

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A prick of fear paralyzed Abby

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A prick of fear paralyzed Abby. She stood in silence as the rain continued to beat on the cabin from outside.

Am I imagining things?

Three loud bangs against the door told Abby she wasn't.

Her voice seemed to be hiding as she tried to ask who was outside. If someone had heard her over the rain, they weren't answering.

There was no peephole on the door. Why was there no peephole?

Abby grabbed the fire poker from the fireplace and inched her way closer to the door. Her free hand wrapped itself around her bracelet.

I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.

The knob to the door opened with a squeak and Abby screeched, lifting up the poker.

A shrill scream drowned her out as the man at the door raised his arms over his head, his yellow slicker and hat wet from the rain.

"Don't kill me!" the man shouted.

Abby's arm froze in the air. "Wally?"

"Please don't hit me, Abby. Zachary sent me out here," Wally explained. "I tried knocking but you didn't answer and the door was unlocked."

"You scared the heck out of me." Abby tossed the poker near the fireplace and groaned. "I thought you were some kind of killer."

"Me?" Wally stomped his feet on the thick doormat outside, trying to shake the rainwater away. "I only came to bring you a generator in case the electricity goes out. Zachary insisted."

Still taken aback, Abby nodded. "I'm sorry for almost bludgeoning you with a fire poker. Thank you for bringing it out here. That's really nice of you...and him for suggesting it."

"Not really, he charged it to Mr. Carter's account. He wanted to add on a ton of other things but I told him I had to leave before the storm got worse."

"Well, it was still thoughtful of him." Abby stepped aside as Wally made his way inside, droplets of water marking his path.

"I can show you how to use it," Wally offered.

Twenty minutes and a cup of hot tea later, Abby felt a bit more relaxed.

"You're a brave woman to be out here by yourself," Wally said between sips of his tea.

"Brave? How so?"

"Not many people would want to spend the night here after what--" His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. "I should get going before this storm gets worse."

"What were you going to say, Wally? Not after what?" Abby's inquisitive gaze bore into him.

He played with the collar of his plaid shirt. "Nothing really. Just an old wive's tale about the cabin being spooky is all."

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