Chapter 21

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Abby stared at Alex as he tried to stop her from leaving

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Abby stared at Alex as he tried to stop her from leaving. They were standing on the porch, a wet wind howling around them.

"No." She shook her head and took a step back. "What do you mean Maggie Caldwell isn't dead?"

"Exactly what I just said. That night...twenty-five years ago two people died but Maggie Caldwell wasn't one of them."

"Then where is she? Why hasn't she told everyone what happened that night?"

"She's not in a position to speak."

"What does that mean? And what do you mean two people? If Maggie wasn't killed, who was the second person who died that night?"

"Abby, let's get inside. I know you're worried about it being haunted but I promise not to let anything happen to you." Alex whispered, placing his hands on her upper arms.

"If Maggie is alive and I know Crystal was murdered, the only explanation I can think of are ghosts," Abby admitted. "Do you think I'm crazy?"


"But you said you didn't believe in ghosts. I think I'm crazy. Or going crazy."

"You're not going crazy, Abby. I know there's something strange going on in this house but I don't think it's ghosts."

"Then what is it?" When Alex didn't reply, Abby sighed. "Mr. Carter? If you don't think it's a ghost haunting the cabin...what do you think it is?"

"Will you call me Alex already? Considering everything we've already gone through so far, it feels strange having you call me Mr. Carter."

Abby shrugged. "You still haven't answered me. There's so much that I don't know when it comes to what happened here. You want me to help but you're not telling me what you know."

"You're right. We should go over the facts. Let's go inside."

"Not until you tell me what you think is going on here."

Alex let go of her and leaned against the doorway that led inside the cabin. "I think that someone wants us to believe there are ghosts in this cabin."

"What? Why?"

It was Alex's turn to shrug. "Who knows what motivates people these days? When I first arrived in Bayless to scope the place out, I noticed I wasn't very welcome here."

Abby didn't think too much of that. "It's a small town. They clearly stick to their own but they're not rude or anything. The Caldwell brothers were a little odd but Wally was really nice."

"I'm sure he was," Alex muttered.

"Do you think Wally is the one who is trying to make you think the cabin is haunted?" Abby asked, disbelief dripping from her words. "He just doesn't seem like the type to be so sneaky."

"Let's just say that I don't think the idea was his own. He works for Zachary Caldwell."

Thinking back, Wally was there when several of the weird things had happened in the cabin.

"You think Zachary is getting Wally to trick us into thinking the cabin is haunted? But why would Zachary want you to think the cabin is haunted? You don't think the sheriff is involved, do you?"

"We should really go inside and discuss this." Alex placed a hand on her shoulder and tried leading her inside.

Abby took a step forward and slipped, causing her to fall backward. Alex deftly caught her in his arms and held her in place, steadying her.

In the distance, a flash of light broke into the darkness.

Abby looked in that direction. "What was that?"

Alex turned, his eyes narrowing. "I don't see anything. Come on. We need to get indoors before the rain picks up again."

"So? What do you think is going on?" Abby asked once they were inside.

"You ever hear of the phrase keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" Alex asked, squeezing the water out of his shirt. They were both forming a large puddle near the doorway.


"Well, let's just say that I don't buy Wally's innocent country act."

"You really think Wally is trying to scare us? That's impossible. I saw something out there!"

"Are you sure you saw something? Maybe your mind was just playing tricks with you. It happens when we're overly stressed. Being here hasn't been stress-free."

"No, I know...I saw her. It was Crystal."

Alex let his hands drop to his side, forgetting his wet clothing.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Abby was holding her breath. "I know I keep asking but I want the truth."

"No, you keep asking because you want me to tell you what you want to hear. You're not crazy, Abby." He swiped his hand across his face in frustration. "I can't say I'm a hundred percent right, but I don't think you're crazy. Something odd is going on here. I'm just not sure if it's supernatural or not."

"Okay, let's say it isn't Wally. Are you willing to believe ghosts are behind everything?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not one of those people who believe in ghosts."

"Then why do you think Wally is trying to scare us away?"

"Because even if this cabin is haunted...why would a ghost try to do that?"

For a brief moment, Abby thought of Bryce. Was he haunting her? Trying to get revenge? It was a thought that kept popping up in her mind.

Alex's words interrupted her thoughts. "In this case, the dead have nothing to hide. It's the living who have secrets."

"Do you think Wally knows who killed Crystal?"

"I don't need Wally to know who killed Crystal." Alex turned away from Abby who took another step closer.

"You know who killed Crystal?"


"Who was it?"

Alex headed towards the stairs. "I need to shower and change. I suggest you do the same."

"Who was it?" Abby repeated as he took a few steps towards the second floor.

"Now isn't the time, Abby." His voice was rough as if the words were painful to share.

"No, you don't get to brush me off. Not when I've been trying to help you. If you really know who killed Crystal, you need to tell me."

Alex looked back, a look of sadness vibrating from him. "My father."


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