Chapter 18

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Goosebumps spread across Abby's arms as she followed the young girl beyond the grove of trees

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Goosebumps spread across Abby's arms as she followed the young girl beyond the grove of trees. Her footsteps became heavy causing her sneakers to sink into the soggy ground as if the earth itself were warning her not to go forward.


She stopped after hearing her name, slightly turned her head back and forth. The young girl was gone. Abby looked ahead but didn't see her. Where could she have gone?

"Abby! What the hell are you doing? It's dangerous out here."

Abby turned to see her boss Alex Carter staring at her incredulously. He was wearing designer jeans and a white turtleneck that was probably more expensive than Abby's entire wardrobe. Sh

"Now isn't the time to be exploring. We need to get into town, remember?" Alex reminded her while lifting his wrist to look at his expensive watch.

Abby looked back at where the young girl had been and shook the image from her mind before turning back to Alex. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry. I'm on my way."

"Your shoes are all muddy now. You should go back to the cabin to change them so we don't get the rental dirty."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry." Abby nodded before passing him to walk back inside and change her shoes. She couldn't help but notice that Alex was still staring past the trees to where she had been heading.

Had he seen the young girl too?

After they drove into town, Alex warned her, "If you see those two reporters...just ignore them. They may try and pester you for answers but don't say a word. Understand? Wally said they thought we were dating. You can't tell them anything."

"Yes, sir."

He was staring at her as if waiting for her to say something. She glanced back at him with lifted brows. He rolled his eyes and faced forward.

"As if I'd date you," he muttered under his breath.

Abby tightened her hands around the steering wheel. He was so rude. Did money really give him the right to say such hateful things? "I wouldn't date you either!"

"What was that?" Alex asked, surprised. Clearly, he had heard what she said since she practically shouted it. She could've sworn she saw him smile for a second but he was looking at her with a stony expression.

"I mean...well...I wouldn't date anyone after what I've been through. I'm sorry."

Alex sighed. "There she goes again. Ms. Apologies. Do you think I'd fire you if you insulted me?"


Alex laughed at the quickness of her reply. "I suppose you're right to think that. I'm not exactly a lenient boss. Still, you have a 'get out of jail free card' so to speak."

"I do?"

"My mother? Remember? She'd never let me hear the end of it if I fired one of her causes. It wouldn't hurt if you showed a little more backbone. It comes out every once in a while but it needs to come out more if you're going to last with me as your boss."

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