Chapter 30

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"Well, we've tried everything

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"Well, we've tried everything." Jenny frowned as she stared at the inactive screen of her laptop. She pressed a few buttons in frustration.

"Yeah, that Wally guy won't help us either. He sounded kind of upset that we even asked." Cletus leaned back in the passenger seat of their rental car.

"We'll have to think of another way to get more information on what happened in that cabin." Jenny shut her laptop and pulled out her phone.

"Are we really going to spend another night in the car?" Cletus groaned. "I never signed up to spend the night outside like we've been doing. I'm not some boy scout you know."

"Oh stop complaining. It's not like there are bears or wolves out here."

"Are you sure about that?" Cletus asked.

"I don't think there are any bears or wolves. I could be wrong but let's hope not."

Cletus closed his eyes. "There's nothing creepier than being out in the woods alone."

"We're not alone. We have technology to save us."

"I don't know about you but I don't remember technology ever being able to fight off a crazed maniac. Are you sure you don't want to call it a night and head back?"

Jenny shook her head. "No. We're going to get a story on this cabin even if it kills us."

"Please don't group me into that statement. I want nothing to do with this story if it means dying."

"Think about it Cletus...why is there so much mystery surrounding this cabin? That Maria woman said it was haunted. Who is it being haunted by? An evil spirit? A poltergeist?"

"I can't believe that you believe in ghosts."

"You say it with such criticism. For your information, Cletus, I do believe in ghosts. I also believe in Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster. Why? Because I know that if they do exist, I'll be proving it in a story one day."

Cletus laughed. "So what are we going to do while we wait on a lead?"

"Who said anything about waiting? As soon as it's late enough, I plan on sneaking into that cabin."

"You've lost your mind." Cletus leaned over and placed the back of his hand against her forehead. "No, you don't have a fever so this must be a total psychological problem."

"Oh, stop. It's not like we have much choice. The sheriff practically ran us out of town and we couldn't find that Maria woman because her husband or whatever he is was so ticked that she let us overhear her in the first place. Why they get so protective about this cabin is beyond me."

"Clearly not. It's not beyond enough to make you give up this story," Cletus whispered angrily.

"Never," Jenny confirmed before checking the time on her cell phone. "I can't even get a signal out here. Can you?"

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