Bonus Chapter: Part 1

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***A/N: This could be considered an epilogue of sorts to Abby and Alex's story. They're going to be in all of the bonus chapters. This also lets you see more of Felicia. Unedited


Felicia Donahue was the epitome of discretion. It was one of the qualities that made her the perfect secretary for an insanely wealthy businessman such as Alex Carter. Patience was another quality she could easily claim. It was something that Alex, with his "my way or the highway" attitude, lacked. Despite his reputation for being a ruthless businessman, Alex Carter was adored by many. Not just because of his business acumen but because of his looks. Even Felicia had to admit that he was handsome with his dark hair, strong cheekbones, and eyes that could easily rival the hue of a stormy ocean when he wasn't in a good mood. Now was one of those moments. Felicia quietly entered her employer's office and waited by the door until he noticed her.

"Abby, I told you our company is more than capable of giving you a new job," Alex Carter's voice was as stretched as a rubber band ready to snap. He was massaging circles into his right temple as he sat behind the huge mahogany desk that he'd purchased two weeks prior.

Abby Redding, Alex's girlfriend and personal assistant, shot him a dubious look. "Don't think I don't know that this job is still a charity position. Even your mom mentioned that it was time I took on new duties."

"Since when did you start caring what my mother thinks?" Alex grumbled.

"Since I met her." Abby crossed her arms and bit her bottom lip. "I know what the other staff members say about me. They think I only got this position because I'm your girlfriend. I don't want that kind of reputation."

Alex frowned as he noticed Abby rubbing her wrist. She no longer wore a blessings bracelet, but she'd still touch her wrist when she thought of something to be grateful for.

Alex grinned. "You weren't given this job because you were my girlfriend. I hired you because of all the candidates at Pathways, you had a degree and you told me that two plus two equals four, remember?"

Abby bit back her smile. "Served you right for being so arrogant while conducting an interview."

"Abby, I like having you near me."

"I know but after everything I've been through, I need to rely on myself. I have a degree that I worked hard for. I want to use it. I don't want to take advantage of you just because we're dating."

"But I want you to take advantage of me." Alex leaned forward. "Right now if you're willing."

Felicia had heard enough. She cleared her throat and held her blank expression in place while Abby gasped and Alex grunted.

"Felicia, you scared Abby. She's not used to your ninja-like ways. Next time make some noise," he said turning to Abby, "I swear Felicia must've worked as a spy before coming to my company."

Abby rolled her eyes and smiled at Felicia, who was dressed in a designer black dress and heels. "Hi, Felicia."

"Hello, Ms. Redding."

"Just call her Abby," Alex said, taking the red file Felicia handed him. "She won't mind."

"I won't," Abby agreed.

Alex was looking at Abby while he pointed at Felicia. "Ask Felicia if you don't believe me about this being a great place to work. Most people would do anything to have your job. Felicia hasn't even taken a sick day or leave. That's how dedicated she is to this job."

Abby turned to Felicia, eyes wide. "No sick days...or leave?"

"That's right." Felicia nodded.

"See?" Alex smiled.

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