Bonus Chapter: Part 3

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"I still find it hard to believe that they're a couple," Abby said as she sat on the bed of her and Alex's hotel room.

Alex came out of the bathroom, a towel around his head as he dried his damp hair, "Didn't you hear him? She's his honeybun."

"Don't you think it's strange that the person you wanted for the ad campaign just happens to be the man Felicia has been secretly dating?" Abby asked.

Alex shook his head, "No, I just think it shows how perceptive I am. I chose someone that's a sure thing."

"What do you mean?"

"If anyone can get him to sign a contract with us, it's Felicia."

Abby frowned, "I'm not a jealous woman but you sure do have a lot of faith in her."

"Of course, she's Felicia. She's the most competent woman I know."

That earned him a pillow in the face from Abby, "I'm also your assistant in case you forgot."

"How could I? You threaten to quit every five minutes."

"I do not. And maybe I wouldn't try and quit if you gave me actual duties instead of leaving everything to your precious Felicia."

"My precious Felicia? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Figure it out yourself!"

"What is with you tonight? Do you need me to call room service for some Midol?"

Abby groaned and tossed a second pillow at Alex, "Midol? Really, Alex? You're impossible!" She stormed into the bathroom, slamming the heavy door behind her.

"What did I say?" Alex called out from the other side.

Abby sat on the edge of the tub and placed her hands over her face.


She hadn't had her period in two months. The last thing she needed was Midol.

Felicia glanced around at the sea green corridors as she and Hawk made their way to his suite. Her heels dug into the plush green carpet with each doubtful step she took.

"What's wrong with you? You look like I'm forcing you to join me," Hawk muttered. "Most women would die for an opportunity to spend the night with me."

"I'm sure they would."

"What was that?"

Felicia ignored his question and took a mental snapshot of the bald muscular man wearing a dark suit. She had seen him earlier in the day as well. She turned to Hawk, "What does this supposed ex-girlfriend of yours look like?"

"It's not supposed. She was here. You won't see her, so don't bother looking for her."

Felicia's eyes narrowed once they reached his hotel room's door, "At least tell me her name."

"That doesn't matter," he swiped the key card and the small green light flashed, allowing them access.

"If she's not alive, of course it matters," Felicia said. "Listen here Mr. Harrington, I don't like people wasting my time. If the ex-girlfriend that's following you around is Samantha Miles, you need an exorcist not a fake girlfriend."

Hawk looked around before slightly pushing Felicia into his hotel suite, "Listen, I'm not joking around here. Didn't we have a deal? What difference does it make who she is or whether she's dead or alive?"

Felicia's eyes narrowed, "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Do you think I'm crazy to believe in ghosts?"

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