Chapter 14

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Abby choked back a cry as something crashed against the window

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Abby choked back a cry as something crashed against the window. She turned to see a crow flying outside, its dark figure almost camouflaged against the inky sky. She scampered back on the bed as she turned back to where the figure had been standing.

It was gone.

Abby could hear her ragged breathing as she looked around the pink room. She was alone. She took a deep breath as she tried to rationalize what had just happened.

Was it a nightmare?

She laid her head back down and closed her eyes. "It was just a dream. That's all. Just a dream."

She was finally starting to relax when the soft melody of a familiar music box began playing. Her eyes shot open as her face contorted in fear. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears as she quickly got out of bed and flipped on the lights. On a shelf was the music box that Abby had seen days earlier.

She didn't bother to try and think about what was going on. She left the pink room and rushed into the hallway, bumping into a thin chest.

"Abby, are you okay?" Wally asked.

"Wally? What are you doing up here?" Abby asked, looking around the hallway, her eyes wild.

"Mr. Carter wanted me to stay here because of the reporters, remember? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine...I couldn't sleep. That's all."

"Are you sure?"

Should she tell him the truth and risk seeming like a crazy person? Abby bit her bottom lip. "There was a music box in my room. It turned on all of a sudden and scared me. I sound silly, don't I?"

"Of course not. I get scared of all sorts of things. I can't even watch horror movies or I have nightmares. Now, you said it was a music box?" Wally asked. "Did you want me to take a look at it?"

Abby wasn't sure why but she found herself nodding and Wally stepped into her room, flipping on the light. "Where's the music box at?"

"It's on the shelf," Abby answered.

Wally took a second look at the shelf, his eyebrows lowering in confusion. His big eyes circled the room as if he'd never seen it before turning back to Abby. "Are you sure it was on the shelf? I don't see anything."

Abby stepped from behind him and sighed. Wally was right. There was no music box. "What is happening? I swear there was a music box."

"Are you sure you heard it? Maybe you're tired and thought you heard it. I imagine all sorts of things when I'm tired."

"I-I'm not sure of anything right now."

"You've had a rough couple of days, Abby. Is it possible it was just a dream?"

She wasn't sure why Wally was trying to convince her she hallucinated the music box into existence. Abby felt for her beaded bracelet and took an unsteady breath. "I guess I must have."

She could see the concern on Wally's face and it bothered her. Her palms itched to slap the pity off of his face. She hated that look. It was the look her lawyers and the workers at the women's shelter gave her after they heard how desperate she became to protect herself from Bryce. It was also the look her family gave her before she heard them gossiping about her...saying she had snapped.

"I'm not crazy," Abby heard herself saying.


"I'm not crazy."

"I didn't say you were, Abby. You're probably just stressed and need some sleep. Those reporters were a surprise too. Mr. Carter seemed pretty upset about them being on the property." Wally eyed the door, taking a step towards it. "I'll just leave you alone you can get some sleep. G'night, Abby."

Abby watched him scurry out the door before placing her face in her hands and shaking her head.

"I'm not crazy. I'm not!"

Still, she couldn't ignore the fact that she was hearing and seeing things. First the dogs and now a shadow and a music box.

She wasn't sure what she should do so she pulled out her phone and typed in a message.

I need your help.

I need your help

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