Chapter 10

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Am I dying?

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Am I dying?

Abby awoke to male voices that felt like echoes bouncing around her head. She groaned as she tried to move. What happened? She remembered arguing with Alex Carter and him firing her. The last thing she could conjure up was the memory of her turning the key in the ignition of her rental car.

"How are you feeling, missy?"

Abby opened her eyes to see the weathered face of a skinny white-haired man that reminded her of an anorexic Albert Einstein.

"Stand back, Deacon. You're scaring her," a familiar voice said.

Alex Carter stepped forward and pulled the older man back. "Are you sure nothing's broken? Why does she look so pale?"

The white-haired man nodded. "She'll have a few bruises but she'll be fine." He turned to her and grinned. "You have the hardest noggin I ever came across."

"Wh-what happened?" Abby asked. She was on the sofa in the living room.

"You decided to introduce your car to some trees." The old man named Deacon slapped his thigh and laughed. "Can't say they were too friendly to you."

"Who...who are you?" Abby asked, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light around her.

"He's the closest thing Bayless has to an emergency room," Sheriff Caldwell said, identifying him as the familiar voice.

"Sheriff?" Abby still didn't understand what had happened.

"Abby, Deacon is going to ask you a few more questions to make sure you're okay. He's a doctor so you can answer him," Sheriff Caldwell said as he cast a wary look at the older man.

After Deacon finished his examination, he repeated that it was a miracle but Abby would be fine. Alex was instructed to keep an eye on her overnight.

Sheriff Caldwell explained what had happened to Abby. He turned to her and said, "I'm going to write in the report that the car skidded due to the weather."

"I don't remember," Abby admitted.

"It'll make the insurance claim easier if we stick to that story. You didn't drive into the trees on purpose, did you?"

"Of course not!" Abby could feel her cheeks blushing.

"Alright then. We'll be out of your way. You two be careful. Mr. Carter, it would behoove you and your employee if you didn't send her on any more errands in the middle of a thunderstorm." Sheriff Caldwell raised an eyebrow at Alex.

Alex ignored the warning. "Thank you two for coming out so late and helping to move her back inside."

It was then that Abby noticed the clothing of all three men was damp from the rain.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, clenching her teeth at the pain. "I don't know what happened."

"Don't worry, missy." Deacon smiled. "We're just happy you're safe." He turned to Sheriff Caldwell. "Let's go, Don. These two young ones need some peace and privacy."

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