Chapter 6 (You And I)

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Last night with Car-I mean Shawn was fun but we both agreed that we should go out on an actual date. I suggested we go to one of my favorite restaurants but Ca-Shawn said that he really didn't like going out to eat so he volunteered to cook. One thing I noticed about Carter is that he never has food in his It's Thursday night and I for once didn't have any homework so instead of studying I'm tearing up my bedroom. I'm in the process of looking for the perfect outfit for tonight. I want something that screams sexy but also lady. I have clothes and shoes everywhere....

"Hey Bey" Kelly said flopping on my bed full of clothes.


"What are you doing?" She ask pushing some of my clothes on the floor.

"Trying to find an outfit for tonight."

"Oh where you going?"

"I have a date.'

"With Daddy Carter?"

"Yep." I said while smiling.

Kelly rolled her eyes. "So it's really over between you and Xavier..."

"Yes, over, done with, he's history."

"Beyonce you know my favorite black dress that flair out at the bottom?" 

"Yea, what about it?"

"It would look cute with those shoes right there?"

I sighed. "Kelly what do you want, you never let anyone borrow your clothes."

"Ummm Xavier asked me out-"


"Beyonce you're not even dating him anymore, you're to caught up in his father."

"It don't matter he was still my boyfriend."

"Beyonce you never even liked him, he was just convenient for you."

"That's not true."

"It is true"

"You know what Kelly I have to get dress. Do what you want."


Kelly walked out my bedroom and slammed the door. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my towel and went to go take a shower.


I decided on some skinny jeans, a blazer and a nice pair of heals. By the time I was dressed Kelly and Michelle was gone so I locked up the house and made my way over to Carter's house.

"Hey Beyonce." He greeted me at the door.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Well come in"

I followed Carter into his home and then into the living room.

"You can have a seat, dinner should be ready soon."

I sat down on the couch and Carter sat right next to me.

I laughed. "Ohmygod"

"What?" He asked.

"This, this whole thing. Carter this is not me. The way I've been acting and the things that I did, its not me."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I want you to get to know the real me tonight, ok.'

"That's what I want to do, so tell me about yourself."

"I basically did that yesterday. How about we play a game?" I suggested.

"A game?" 

"Yea. Hold up both hands and if you did something that I name you loose a finger. Get it?"

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