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I remember bits of that day...being pulled out of the water...everyone frantically running around me trying to help...screaming...so much screaming...to who? I don't even know...I remember waking up in the hospital where my parents were standing over me and then all of sudden I was out again...but overall I was alright...Returning to school a week later things were different...Jacob was acting differently towards me and it was so odd. I was never used to him acting so...nice? Clearly, he felt guilty so he was trying so hard to make up for his actions...but honestly. There was nothing he could do to make up for that shit. 

I was now laying in bed watching tv, only Craig and I were home at the moment so I decided to go talk to him about something. Probably could've waited...  I went out of my bedroom and down the hall to his room, I stood outside his door for a second contemplating. After a brief couple of seconds, I sighed and twisted the knob, and opened the door. 

Yeah, definitely should've knocked... Craig was on his laptop clearly looking at something I didn't need to see. His head snapped towards me and he slammed his laptop closed. "Audrey! What the fuck!"

I covered my eyes "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" I turned around away from him 

"Get out!" he screamed while I could hear him scrambling behind me to straighten up himself.

Rude..."Ugh, Craig I need to speak to you!" I said 

"Right now? Like, right now...right now?" he paused "Is it really that serious?"

I sighed "Yes!" You can resume your festivities later... "Can...whatever you were doing..." I said as moved my hand in his general direction behind me "Wait?"

I heard him mumble under his breath 'Fuck...' then he spoke to me again "Okay, Audrey turn around"

"Is it safe?" I said, "This is beyond what I should see of my brother."

He groaned "Audrey, stop being dramatic and turn around."

I then turned around slowly as he sat at the end of his bed and looked at me "What's up?"

I took a deep breath and started off "Well, I have two things I need to discuss with you..."

"Okay...what is it?" he replied shrugging 

"I need you to get Jacob away from me." I said looking away from him as I crossed my arms "I've put up with his shit for years and the least you can do for me now is keep your friend away from me." I looked back at him as he looked down

"Jacob..." he said and then paused briefly "...he's sorry. He's just trying to show you that."

"I could've died." I said sharply and he then looked at me "He's shitty jokes or aggressiveness towards me for the last three years..." I remember feeling the tears well up in my eyes... "Can't just be ignored with him all of sudden being nice."

He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds "You're right...I'll let him know just to back off." Oh yeah, this definitely worked...

I nodded "Thanks."  and shifted my weight from one foot to the other. "So, what's up with you and Kayla?"

He sat up straight and cleared his throat "What do you mean what's up with me and Kayla?" he looked around slightly "Did she say something?"

So obvious... "She didn't say anything to me but it's clear there's something going on between you two." I said more directly "Besides Jacob...you,Chresnato and Rayan only messed with my friends. But, there's always been a weird interaction between you and Kayla." Probably should've stayed out of this...was it really my business? "Even when we would talk about you around her she would kind of shut down."

He raised an eyebrow "You girls talk about me?" he smirked and started laughing "What's the topic?"

I rolled my eyes playfully "Stay focused." I walked over to his bed and laid back on it. "What's going on between you two? Did something happen?" he stayed silent "Were you...bullying her like Jacob was to me?"

He then looked at me laying down on his bed "No. I didn't." he sighed "I never touched her in that way..."

"Wait" I sat up next to him "What way did you touch her then?" 

He closed his eyes and sighed "Audrey...come on..."

"No,no...what do you me-" I was saying as I cut myself off as I finally got it. Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner! "Wait, you two slept together?" I said as he looked away 

"Audrey...let it go." he said 

"Wait, when?" I stood up to stand in his line of sight. 

He raised an eyebrow "I don't really think that's any of your business Audrey, drop it."

"It's my friend and my brother so yeah, it is my business," I said crossing my arms again "Explain Craig." 

He glared at me in annoyance "Not even Kayla told you. So I would argue that it really isn't any of your business."

"Craig," I said "What the hell happened." 

He turned away "It was at Jacob's party last year...we were both a little drunk...and we were alone in one of the rooms...and well one thing led to another..." I remember Jacob's party...sadly I was dragged there by Craig. It was one of his big parties as usual and only Kayla was able to accompany me. But, I remember that night...Kayla was MIA for a while until she popped up again. At that time my mom picked us both up and dropped Kayla home...Craig ended up staying over at Jacob's that night. 

"Stop there..." I said shaking my head "I get it...I don't need that many details"

He shrugged "Well, yeah now you know..." he went quiet again "That's the only reason why we've been acting weird around one another...it's been extremely awkward since that night."

While I understood there was clearly a follow-up questioned that was just begging to be asked... "So...does that mean you have some sort of feelings for Kayla?" I questioned 

He glanced at me in shock "You got that from my story about random drunk sex?"

"Please, that's more like liquid courage sex." I smirked "You tend to say or do things you wouldn't on a sober mind." 

He shook his head "It was just sex." He turned to turn on his TV to attempt to avoid the conversation any further. "There is no deeper meaning behind it...trust me."

I continued smirking at him as he flipped through the channels on his TV. "You're deflecting." I laughed and walked closer to him "You like Kayla..." I sing-songed as I poked at his sides. 

He brushed my hands away playfully "Whatever you want to think Audrey..." he then started laughing along with me.

I stood back up straight "Alright, I'll let you continue whatever you were gonna do...sorry for interrupting" he raised his middle finger up at me playfully and I laughed and walked towards the door. 

"Hey, Audrey." he said stopping me before I walked out

"Yeah?" I turned back to him 

"I'm sorry for not being there for you as much as I should've...you know with the whole Jacob thing." he said "I'll make sure from now on he leaves you alone."

I smiled slightly "Thank you, big bro." I said "You've already saved my life from getting me out the water, everything is forgiven" he didn't say anything but just slightly nodded and with that, I finally exited his room. 


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