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I was currently walking into the cafeteria for lunchtime, I spotted my group of friends at our lunch table. I walked up to the table to join them and took my seat next to Alyssa.

I sat down "So we are definitely going to talk about some stuff today" I said to everyone at the table.

Savannah raised an eyebrow "Do we actually have something serious to talk about?"

I innocently shrugged "I don't know," I turned my attention to Kayla "Do we?"

"Oh give it a rest Audrey..." Kayla said rolling her eyes. 

Alyssa pointed at Kayla "No." she looked between me and her "What's going on...and why are you the only two that know about it?" 

"We DONT keep secrets from one another" Savannah said and Kayla looked at me. 

We both looked at each other for a couple of seconds before Kayla sighed "You are right...look the only reason I didn't tell you guys was because of Audrey but since she already knows..."

"Knows what?" Savannah said 

Kayla looked in Alyssa and Savannah's direction "I slept with Craig"

Alyssa's eyes widened "You did what?" 

"When?" Savannah said as she looked at me "How long ago did you know about this?"

I remained silent to let Kayla continue the story. It's probably the first time I've ever not butted in... "It was at Jacob's party last year...you guys weren't there. We were drinking and it just happened..." Kayla said, "And just to be clear I wasn't raped in anyway...he's not a bad guy."

"But...he treated you so poorly..." Savannah replied, "How did you guys do that...and then he just flipped and acted so...bad."

"It was an act, clearly." She shrugged "He wasn't as bad as you may think." 

Alyssa stayed silent that entire time but she finally spoke up "So, what? Are you guys like together or something?" 

Kayla made a face towards her "No. We spoke about what happened afterward and that was it." she then turned to me "But, Audrey here found out about from Craig and she is now convinced he likes me more than he let's on."

I shrugged "Well, he does. I know my brother"

"So, wait Craig told you all of this?" Savannah questioned me 

"Well, yeah." I said slightly rolling my eyes "I had to pry it out of him..."

"Why did you even think to ask him?" Alyssa asked and Kayla nodded in agreement 

"Yeah...I never figured that out..." Kayla cocked her head to the side. 

I stayed silent and then looked away for a couple of seconds, I looked back at them "We all were messed with by the boys in some form...some worst than others..." I paused "And I've always noticed the difference between the interaction between Kayla and Craig... so I asked" I shrugged

"I've never even noticed," Alyssa said quietly 

"Yeah, well when you're getting the worst from someone...you tend to see the comparison..." I said sadly

We all sat silently for a second until Kayla chimed in "Well, I'm not completely sure how to feel about him in return Audrey...it's hard to just want to be with him." she said, "Plus, I think this is more of a conversation for me and Craig to have if we choose too...alone." Smart idea...

"Agreed," Savannah said and turn her attention back to me "But, how is it...you know with Jacob?" 

"With who?" I said ignoring the conversation 

"Don't be stubborn," Alyssa said rolling her eyes "Is he now backing off since...you know?"

I hated hearing his name after that day... "I told Craig to make sure he backs off...he was trying to be helpful when I first return back to school...but" I stopped and huffed out an angry sigh "I don't want him to be helpful, he did enough."

"But, he sav-" Savannah started to say but Alyssa and Kayla cut her off.

"He what?" I questioned. What she was about to say changed everything...

No..."Nothing." Kayla said shaking her head.

Keeping me in the dark...why? It never ended... "He what?" I said glaring at all of them who continued to look away from me "What are you guys keeping for me?"

"Audrey...it doesn't matter...just stop." Alyssa responded.

"Answer, me." I answered angrily "He did what"

They looked at each other in silence until Savannah shook her head and turned to me "He saved you, Audrey. It was him." Savannah responded

I shook my head "No. It was Craig." Oh...how I was convinced... "Everyone made it clear that it was Craig."

"Um, no actually no one made anything clear" Kayla jumped in "You just assumed it was him and we all just...never corrected you"

Unbelievable... "So no one thought to correct me?" I questioned 

"We didn't know how you would feel about Jacob being your savior..." Alyssa responded, "When you woke up at the hospital you're parents and Craig were with you in the room and you just woke up thinking Craig was the person who saved you."

In the dark no matter what... "Jacob...he..." I said quietly and looked away "But he was the one who put me in harms way..."

"He was." Kayla said nodding "He panicked when he actually realized you weren't coming back up and dove right down to get you..." she said "Mouth-to-mouth...everything" 

Mouth...to...mouth... "All of that?" I replied shocked "Well, I guess that will explain him trying to be so helpful afterwards..."

"He's very remorseful...but of course it's clear you can't just forgive him." Savannah said, "It runs so deep...three years of his crap...he doesn't deserve forgiveness. I get that..."

I stayed silent, Alyssa pipped up "Look, this doesn't change anything...he was still the one who started this shit. And one good deed doesn't change that especially when he put you in that position." 

"Agreed" The rest of the girls nodded but I just stayed silent. 

Finding out that information did change things...why would he do all of this and then save me? I was fully convinced that he didn't like me at all. If you liked someone you wouldn't do something like this. That's one thing I was sure of...


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