1 | Sindrian Nights

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"Why do I have to wear these silly clothes?" I complained, waving my arms about making several golden bangles on my arms produce jingling sounds. I slumped in a chair and rested my head comfortably on my hand, staring at the part of Sindria I could see outside my window.

"(y/n), you're Sindria's princess," replied Ja'far arranging a steaming cup of tea on the desk opposite of where I sat. "So as the princess you have to dress and act the part. Besides, it's only for tonight."

Part of me knew what he was communicating was the truth. Being the sister of Sinbad, and the princess of Sindria, meant I had to at least act like one, however, being polite and smiling for too long wasn't something I enjoyed doing. If only I could spend my time practising sword-fighting with Sharrkan. I've known him since forever and since I can remember I've liked him, but he doesn't seem to see me that way: he just treats me like a little sister.

"(y/n) are you listening to me?" Ja'far had somehow gotten next to me while I was away in lalaland with Sharrkan. "We have to go now. He pulled me out of the chair, not too gently, and practically dragged me to the door. Then he pulled me down a flight of stairs until we reached where the party was being held.

"Ah, here's my lovely sister now." Rolling my (e/c) eyes, I walked over to Sinbad, who as usual was lounging on a sofa while being surrounded by girls. "It's nice of you to finally join us."

"It's not like I had a choice," I grumbled.



"Now, if you'll excuse me I need a drink." With a simple 'go ahead' from my purple-haired, player of a brother, I made my way to the kitchen. On the way there I lost count of how many times I had to stop to greet people and thank them for their compliments on my outfit and hair.

Finally, I made it to the kitchen and sighed a breath of relief when I saw it was fairly empty. The people there just bade me a simple hello and then returned to what they were doing previously. Grabbing a glass of wine from the table that was set up in the middle of the room, I felt someone press against me from behind. Their cool breath fanned my ear as they flirtatiously said, "wow, doesn't our little (y/n) look cute tonight?"

I gulped down the rest of the wine. One thing I can say is, is that my face was probably the same shade as the drink that I had just ungracefully drunk. I turned towards the owner of the voice and placed a smile on my face, feeling a little dizzy. "Good evening Sharrkan." I mockingly curtsied, becoming a little unbalanced.

Laughing, Sharrkan grabbed my waist to help keep me balanced and smirked at my red face. "(Y/n), you are so adorable."

Stuttering I tried to pry his arm from around my waist. "I am not!"

"Oh, but you are my little (y/n)." He grabbed some liquor off the table and dragged me to the seats that were out on the balcony.

The cold night air struck me as I stepped outside, and I breathed in the pure Sindrian air. "Care to join me for a drink or more?" Sharrkan winked one of his radiant light green eyes at me.

"But Sharrkan, if I do that I'll have to sit through a Ja'far lecture on the importance of acting like a respectable lady and why not to drink alcohol." Even though I said that, why wouldn't I want to spend the evening with the white-haired, green-eyed, attractive male in front of me?

"C'mon (y/n), can't you just do this for me?" He played the puppy dog eyes card and gazed into my (e/c) ones. I felt myself waver a little.

"What he doesn't know won't harm him." Without waiting for me to say anything more, he once again took hold of my hand and pulled me over to one of the chairs.

And that was how I stayed up until the early hours of the morning, drinking liquor and talking to Sharrkan.

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