4 | Days Go By

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Days went by and honestly, I don't know how many of them did. After the first week of being here, I had lost count. I spent those days strolling around the palace, getting treated like a doll by Kougyoku and sitting in Koumei's office while he worked. To others, it might seem tedious, but to me it was interesting...

Sindria and Kou were profoundly different: the culture, the people, and just the overall atmosphere. As Sindria's princess there were so many things I had to learn about this country, I now have to live in. And it was also my duty to bring about peace to both sides. That was what my brother Sinbad was using me for after all.

Speaking of Sinbad, I wonder how he is doing over in Sindria? And there's also Ja'far and Masrur. Plus, I heard there were new recruits: Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana.

But the most important person was Sharrkan.

Not a day went by without me thinking about him. If I'm not thinking of him during the day, I'm dreaming of him at night.

Koumei would make a great husband: he was cute, sweet and intelligent. However, there was only room for one person in my heart. The one who has sparkling green eyes, white hair and tanned skin. Sharrkan was the only one that filled my heart with love.

Sometimes I caught myself thinking about how Sharrkan would rescue me from here. If I'm the princess, Sharrkan would be the prince. He would swoop in and save the day. Of course, this was all just girlish fantasies.

Like it would ever actually happen...

This was just all a part of the Sindrian Kings plan and we are all pawns on his chessboard.

It was no lie that the Kou palace was beautiful. With its many flower gardens, high terraces and the places you can go to, to enjoy the sunset/sunrise. I would often sit on the balcony, that was attached to the bedroom I shared with Koumei, and just watch the sun sink below the horizon. Being outside and filling my lungs with the evening air often cleared my head and made it easier to think. Sometimes Koumei would join me, and we would just sit in silence and enjoy the peace.

Today I felt like taking a stroll around the gardens. The morning breeze blew through my hair and my cloak fluttered behind me. It was calming.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the tree root in front of me. I tripped and landed on my hands and knees. A sharp pain went through my wrist, signalling I had probably sprained it.

I went back indoors and went to Koumei's office. The bruising on my arm was hidden beneath the sleeve of my dress, hopefully, Koumei didn't notice it. He was busy at work, as he usually was, and I didn't want to distract him.

"Good morning, Koumei." I smiled at him as I wandered into the room.

"Good morning," came his reply.

I walked over to the bookshelf and reached for the book that I had read the day before. As I was trying to get it, the sleeve of my dress had slid down my arm, revealing the bruising that was trailing from my wrist and downward. I gulped and heard shuffling from behind me. Clearly, it hadn't gone unnoticed by the pinkish haired prince. "What happened to your arm, (y/n)?"

"I tripped over a tree root in the garden, and I might have sprained my wrist," I said as innocently as I could.

"You really are a klutz huh?" He chuckled lightly and carefully inspected my arm. He guided me to the sofa that was beside his desk and sat me down. Then he walked back to the shelf and opened one of the draws to get out the first aid box.

"Oh, Koumei you don't have to do that." I felt a little flustered, for some unknown reason. "I can do that myself."

"(y/n) I am your fiancé, and it is my duty to make sure you aren't hurt," he said calmly, opening the box and getting out the bandages. "Maybe next time I should come with you. Getting out once and while can be good." He began winding the bandages around my wrist and I blushed a little at how close he was.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. Now it was Koumei's turn to blush.

Koumei smiled back at me and I couldn't help but imagine it was Sharrkan who was smiling up at me...

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