3 | Fiancé

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"Why... Why did you send (y/n) away?" Sharrkan slammed his hands on the desk. "Do you really think she's going to be happy there? This is the Kou empire we are talking about after all."

"Sharrkan think about where you are right now!" Ja'far took a step towards him with an annoyed look in his eyes, "you are in front of Sinbad, the king, and you shouldn't be acting in such a way. The thing with (y/n) is..."

"It's fine Ja'far." Sinbad held up a hand to stop him and leaned back in his chair. "Of course (y/n)'s happiness is important to me, she is my younger sister, but Sindria is just as important and as the king, I bear certain responsibilities."

"But you didn't have to marry (y/n) off to some random prince!" he yelled, letting his anger get the best of him. "I can't stand for this. I won't!"

"Sharrkan you seem to forget you're my general, and as you are such, put aside whatever feelings you may have for (y/n)," Sinbad reminded him, then he said, "the marriage is final and there's no cancelling it now. Just think of how good it will be for this country and the country's people."

"Fine," Sharrkan said through gritted teeth. "I'll let it go for now. But don't count on me being happy about it." He strode out of the room and slammed the door.

"Ugh, where am I?" My head felt worse than it did when I had the hangover. The last thing I remember was being torn away from Sharrkan and being forced onto a flying carpet.

Damn that fallen magi.

I sat up in the bed I was lying on and took in my surroundings. It looked like I was in some kind of bedroom; perhaps in the Kou Empire's palace? That's where I think Judar was taking me. It was far fancier than my room in Sindria, that's for sure.

I wonder how Sharrkan's doing?

It's typical, as soon as we confirm our feelings for one another and share our first kiss, something bad had to happen. There was never any good without bad and this just proved it. It's that magi's fault; I just want to yank that braid off his pretty little head.

Grumbling to myself, I got up and put on the robe that was hanging up on the bedroom door. Maybe I should do some exploring - just so I have some idea of where I am.

I left the room and wandered down the long hallway - it seemed to go on forever. The Kou palace sure is huge. I suddenly missed home and hugged the gown closer to myself. It'll be fine, everything will be fine.

I could do this. I could get married to some stranger. It's for the good of the country. Yeah just keep thinking like that and you'll be ok (y/n), I thought as I came to a stop outside of a door that stood ajar.

Light streamed out of the room casting shadows on the wall opposite me. I peered into the room and lay eyes on a man with pink hair tied up in a high ponytail, and from the part of his face, I could see he had freckles dusted along his nose.

"Are you just going to stand there gawking at me or are you going to come in?" the man spoke up and swivelled around in his chair, that's when I realised he's the second imperial prince Koumei.

I had to admit he was an attractive man, but not as attractive as Sharrkan - in my eyes, anyway.

'Stop! You shouldn't be thinking of him right now.' I mentally slapped myself. 'This man is probably my fiance.'

This thought kind of made me relieved. I had heard before that the second prince was one of the pleasanter ones out of all the princes and he was a prominent strategist. Any girl would be lucky to be married to him. That's how I should be thinking, but a particular white-haired male would roam through my mind.

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