Jealousy too.

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Here's another😁 Btw I don't know if I want to make this book longer than 35 chaps or start another book. Hmm... I'll figure it out😂✌🏾️



I rolled over expecting to come in contact with Mira but I didn't. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looked around. Seconds later, she came walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. I smirked.

"Looking good mama." I said, causing her to jump a lil. She giggled.

"Well you know what can I say?" She said, quoting JJ from Good Times and grabbing some underclothes from out of her dresser.

"That was so lame. Gotta do better babe." I chuckled, walking up behind her. "You did ya thang last night." I whispered in her ear and wrapping my arms around her waist. She shivered under my touch.

"You did too." She smiled, tilting her head to look at me. I laughed.

"Get ready, let's go get something to eat." I said, looking over at the clock. It read 1:34pm. Damn we slept in late.

"Okay." She smiled. I smiled back and kissed her cheek, walking into the bathroom to take a shower.


About and hour later, we hopped in the car and I started it up.

"Damn Eric, you take longer than me to get ready." Mira huffed, pushing my arm playfully.

"My bad, you know beauty takes time." I said, trying to act feminine.

"Babe, don't do that you scaring me. You do that a little too well." She giggled.

"You right, that was a lil gay. I ain't ever doing that shit again." I said, shaking my head and driving off. Mira just kept laughing and turned up the radio. Computer love by Zapp! came on and she began singing.

You know I've been around
From sexy mamas to cool Prima Donnas
I wanna share your treasure, oh so rare
Cause its your face I see on my computer screen
Oh won't you keep me warm tonight
You are such a sweet delight
I will cherish the memory of this night
Yes I found my computer love

I was having a hard time driving because I was tryna watch her at the same time, she was just flawless. She looked over and smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Sing it with me baby." She said, grabbing my hand. I laughed and sang with her.

Shooby-doo bop, shoo-doo-bop, I wanna love you
Shooby-doo bop, computer love, shooby-doo-doo-doo
You are, shooby-doo-doo-doo, you are, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-computer
You are, do me baby, you are, do me baby

She giggled and turned it down after it went off. Encore by Cheryl Lynn began to play in the background. I brought her hand up to my mouth and kissed it gently. She looked at me and blushed. I winked back at her. I pulled into our favorite diner and parked the car. I hopped out and jogged over to her side of the car and opened the door for her.

"Thank ya kindly." She said in a country accent.

"You welcome ma'am." I replied in the same tone.

We walked hand in hand into the diner. I remembered the last time I was here and she had just gotten through cussing my ass out and ignoring me. I laughed at the memory. She turned to me.

"What's so funny?" She asked as we sat down at a near by booth. I sat across from her and grabbed her hands.

"Just remembering the last time we were here." I said, smirking. She looked at me in confusion then it was almost as something clicked.

"Ohhh. Yeaah, damn I remember that." She laughed softly.

"Yeah, you left a nigga hanging. But it's cool cuz I gotchu now." I said, leaning over the table to kiss her. I leaned back and watched her bite her lip. Until somebody cleared their throat. We both looked up at the waitress, who stared at me in shock.

"Omg, Eazy E! I love your music!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her.

"Thanks sweets." I replied, adjusting my locs.

"No problem." She replied, winking. "When will e get some more music? That shit be bangin'."

"Soon hon, soon." I replied smiling up at her.

This time Mira cleared her throat.

"So you gon take our orders or yall just gon continue flirting like I'm not here." She said sassily and removed her hands from mine. I frowned.

"Um, sure." The waitress replied. She took our orders and walked away. Mira was looking out of the window.

"Babe." I said softly.

"..." No reply.

"Baby." I said again. "Why you ignoring me?"

"..." Still no reply. I sighed this was about to be a long breakfast...



I don't know what came over me but I just got very overprotective all of a sudden. After we sat in an awkward silence for about 10 minutes, the waitress came back out with our food. She placed it down and quickly walked away.

"You still not gon talk to me?" Eric asked, looking up at me sadly. I sighed.

"I kinda over exaggerated. But I can't help that I'm protective of what's mine." I said, sipping my coke.

The irony.

He laughed. "Sounds like me but baby, don't worry. I've only got eyes for you." I smiled, as we finished eating.

We left the waitress a tip and walked out the diner hand in hand. Eric stopped short. I looked at him like what the hell? I followed his gaze and saw two girls get out of a Cadillac.

"Who's that?" I asked suspiciously.

"My babymother and her sister." He said looking at me cautiously. I smirked and turned around as they walked up. This will be interesting...

This chap is long as hell but it's worth it😂 but I hope you guys enjoyed!

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