First Day.

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Today was the day, I started work. Auntie suggested that I wore something professional but comfortable at the same time. She also let me know that they would interview me a little bit first before I actually started.

I rolled out of bed and walked into my bathroom, turning on the shower and walking back in my room grabbing some underclothes. After my shower, I brushed my teeth and curled the ends of my hair a little. As I finished buttoning up, Auntie called.

"Goodmorning Auntie." I smiled.

"Goodmorning beautiful." replied back. "So I guess you're doing better."

"Yep, I just had to reevaluate some things." I said spraying some perfume and putting a little bit of lip gloss on.

"Okay, goood. Well I just called to make sure you were okay and ready for work." She assured.

"Yes ma'am, I am. I'm actually about to leave out now." I said, grabbing my small purse, walking out my room.

"Okay good good but I'm gonna go because your cousin is walking over and you know how she gets." She laughed.

"Okay auntie, love you." I laughed.

"Love you too baby." She replied.

"Is tha-" I heard Harms say before auntie hung up.

I laughed and walked out to Harms car that she left here. I hopped in and immediately turned in the air. I checked my mirrors and turned up the radio, driving off to the school.

When I pulled up to the day care, I saw parents getting out of their cars and walking in the building. I grabbed my purse and walked up to the door. When I walked in, I looked for the office, obviously lost.

"Hey, looking for me?" An older woman with grayish hair said to me. Her accent was similar to mine.

"Yes, I'm looking for Marie." I said smiling at her.

"That is I." She said returning my smile and laughing a lil.

"Hi, I'm Mirakle." I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake. She looked at me weirdly. Instead of shaking my hand, she embraced me in a hug. I was a bit surprised.

"You're Trice's niece." She said, pulling out of the hug.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Okay, nice to finally meet you baby." She smiled brightly.

"You as well." I replied.

"Okay, are you ok with working today?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied.

"Call me Marie honey. Let me show you around." She said walking away, with me following her.

After the whole tour, it was around 12 and the children were now sleep.

"You can go to lunch now." Marie whispered, walking to her office.

I walked out and looked around seeing McDonald's. I usually don't really eat fast food but it was whatever.

When I got back, around 1. The children started to wake up.

"Okay, who wants to go outside?" I asked them.

"Me!" They all said, well yelled.

I took them outside til it was around 3 and parents started coming to pick them up.

"You can start heading out if you want to Mira." Marie said walking up behind me.

"Oh, ok." I said smiling at her, walking to the car, heading home.

This is just a filler 😅
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