Mom and Pops.

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Been a long while👋🏾



I tapped my foot nervously as we drove to Eric's birthhome. Which meant his parents were there. It wasn't as if I haven't met them before, I just haven't physically. His mom and I always talked over the phone on multiple occasions. Today was the first time I was meeting her as well as his father, in the flesh. Seems a little backwards, I know. Seeing as though we've been together for 2 years now.

"Babe, it's gon be okay. You need to relax. You making me nervous. Shit." He said, as we walked up to the porch.

"You're right. Bu-" I started.

"But nothing. Breathe." He said, leaning in and kissing my lips softly.

I smiled over at him as the door opened.

"Lynnie!" An older woman with small glasses on yelled, opening the screen door.

"Mama." He genuinely smiled, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you son." She frowned a bit.

"I missed you too mama." He replied.

"I finally get to meet my baby." She said, smiling at me and tightly hugging me.

"Mama Kat." I smiled brightly, hugging her back.

"And my grandbaby." She gushed, rubbing my ginormous belly.

"Well come on in." She said, opening the door more.

We walked in and I took the chance to glance around. There were many pictures of Eric hanging on the walls as well as his distance family members he didn't really talk about often.

I walked over to a baby picture of him, sitting on top of the fireplace.

"Awee." I smiled at the picture.

Eric walked up behind me, looking at it as well.

"Look at your cheeks babe." I said, pinching his cheeks

"Come. I'll show you some more." Kathie said, laughing a bit from the couch.

"Girl gone." He said, smacking my hands away playfully. "Mama. No." He said shaking his head.

I laughed, walking over to her and sitting next to her. Eric sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked over at him and kissed his cheek.


We all turned around to face the voice. It had to be Eric's dad. He was an absolute spitting image of him.

Eric stood up and walked over to him. They stared at one another until Eric's father grabbed him by the neck, pulling him into a hug.

"Missed you son." He said sternly. He sounded almost emotional.

"Missed you too pops. It's been a long time." He said.

"Yeah too long." He replied simply. He looked over at Kathie and I, smiling at us.

"You must be Mirakle." He said, walking over to us.

I tried getting up, needing obvious help. Both Kathie and Richard helped me up. As soon as I was up, Richard smothered me into a hug.

"Umm. I can't. breathe." I said breathily.

"Oh damn. My bad. I'm just so proud of my son. Aside from all of the other children, that I am grateful for, he's managed to finally settle down." He said, looking over at Eric, who smiled back.

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