Making Lemonade

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When people claim that life isn't fair, they are the ones making it that way. If, while looking at the big picture, you believe that life is fair, it will be.
Life is fair. Although it may not be fair at the moment, from birth to death it is. In one stage of life, you may be homeless while someone else, who had been given the same opportunities as you, is a millionaire. The fairness of life is strictly circumstantial. If you and somebody else are in the same exact circumstances, then yes. Life is fair. When people think of fair, they think of either money or love, or both. But it's so much more than that. Mental instability, such as depression, anxiety, and even diseases like Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's play a big part in the cards you're dealt in life. You just have to be open-minded about the meaning of the word "fair".

Fairness is also about opportunity. Life doesn't give you anything for free. As the saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Lemons are the opportunity, the potential, to make something good out of yourself. But of course lemons don't just turn into lemonade. As with everything else in life, you have to put forth the effort to make the lemonade. You have to be determined. You can't be given everything in life, and if you are, you're in a worse position than those who work for every penny.

Life being fair is also all about perspective. If your life has been exceptionally difficult from day one, something may not seem to be a big deal to you. But, evidently, that same thing could completely devastate someone who had been privileged and given everything since day one. So, if you're still relatively young and you've had a fairly arduous upbringing, it will pay off. Unless, of course, you were raised spoiled and had everything you could ever want handed to you on a silver platter. If you were raised that way, you will run into difficulties when you're older. And, unlike those with rough upbringings, you won't have a single clue what to do. To some losing $1,000 may seem like nothing, but to others that could be their whole life savings.It's all about perspective.

As Shane Koyczan said, "If today is as bad as it gets, understand that, by tomorrow, today will have ended." When all of the circumstances, opportunities, and perspectives are considered, life is fair.

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