Help Me, Please

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"A lot of shit has been happening lately, Calum. I have no idea what's what anymore, okay? I don't know, I can't do this-"

"What are you talking about?" Calum stopped me. We had been at the recording studio for over an hour now. We were all sitting in the room with the soundboards, and each of us were filing in and out of the booth to record our parts. Michael was talking to our producers, and Luke was stood in the booth, mindlessly sorting through his song notes. 

"Last night," I stopped, accidentally choking on my words a little bit. "I found-"

"Boys!" Our producer said. Calum and I immediately looked up at him. "We're going to record Luke's part now. We need quiet."

I saw Luke through the glass, slowly shaking his head at me and smiling all cocky. He stuck out his tongue out playfully before turning his attention back to his guitar. His behavior was frightening. It doesn't seem very strange, but when a person who has been filled with nothing but hatred for the past few months starts doing something other than hating, you start to worry.

Should I be relieved? I don't think so.

"Look, Calum, I have to talk to you later about this. It's very serious," I told him, my voice barely audible as the producers slipped on their headphones. Luke began playing.

Luke's PoV

I opened my eyes, and was met with the view of black branches hanging lazily over me. Gentle light filtered through them.

Where was I?

I was laying on my back. I pushed myself into a sitting position, freezing at the multiple cracking sounds that followed. I was sitting in glass. Glass? In the middle of a forest? It was all glass, shattered, glittering and shining a thousand different colors. It was a beautiful sight, and I smiled despite the dull and jagged edges pressing against my palms and butt.

Getting up, I grabbed a handful of the beautiful glass and studied it closely for a moment before shoving it into my pocket. The wail that followed made me jump in surprise. I looked around wildly, but the forest was again deathly still and deafeningly silent. A trap, feels like.

Do I bother searching for the sound or am I safer here? The sound was haunting but I couldn't figure out what kind of...creature it might be or what distress it may be in. How big is this forest?  Despite the warning signs, I felt oddly comfortable because of how calming the scenery was. There was no sun or moon in the sky, nothing to indicate time or place. But to my right, I noticed a pale fog beginning to emerge through the trees. Might as well go check it out, seeing as I have nothing else to do or look at. 

I eagerly ran towards the fog, the glass crunching loudly beneath my feet. Thank fucking god I'm wearing shoes. Despite my ambitious running pace, I seemed to be moving slowly. The trees grew larger as I approached, and I hadn't realized how far away they really were. By the time I reached the wall of fog, the trees seemed to swallow the entire sky. A silhouette of a person was visible just through the fog.

"Hello?" I stood still, slightly stooped in a defensive position, as I was almost expecting him to fly at me as some sort of jump scare. If he wants something, he can come to me.

The fog was the first to move. It began to recede into the trees, curling around the figure stood before me as it retreated. 

It was a boy, about my height. His hands hovered in front of his mouth, as if he were shy or nervous. He had big hazel eyes that stared at me, wide and all-seeing. His cheeks were red and his face shone with tear streaks. "Help me," he whispered from behind his hands.

I glanced around, as if my surroundings might give away context clues. Was there someone here? Some thing?

"Help me, please," he begged. His lip trembled and he struck me as someone I knew. The calm I felt before was slipping away. Judging by everything, I guess he's about to elaborate on a monumental favor. Lord of the Rings shit. Not my type of party. I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry," I told him, glancing away. "I don't think I can. I'm really sorry."

A deafening crash echoed through the forest. I felt the glass beneath my feet shift. Then came another great shattering. And another.


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