Forge Me A Heart Of Gold

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Luke's PoV
My phone was ringing. That was the first thing the registered in my mind as I was pulled out of my sleep.

The second thought I had was in response to the first thought, and that was that I wasn't going to answer it.

I changed my mind when I saw the name on the screen. It was mum. So I decided that I would just text her.

"Busy at the studio. Cant talk now," I texted her. I didn't really care that I was lying to my mum. They were little lies to keep her off my back. I didn't want her to know about my problems. It was fine.

With that out of the way, my mind wandered back to the dream I had just experienced. It was foggy, but the longer I sat there, the more I remembered.

Have you ever had one of those really good dreams and it feels real and you're happy in you dreams and then you wake up and find out that none of that happened? It sucks.

The only thing I liked about that dream was the glass. I wanted to put the cute little shards in a jar and keep it on display. Maybe give it to a future...girlfriend. Or mum.

What was terrible about the glass though was the fact that I was stepping all over it, and it was already broken. And then in the end, it turned out to be Ashton's heart. Could you imagine if that pain was physical? Damn.

Plus, I ended up stealing a handful of it. So I stole his heart and broke it.

But why didn't I recognize him in my dream? I know the guy, obviously. Does it have to do with the distance between us? Are we really as close as strangers?

Dear God, give me a soul.


Ash's PoV


He came to me in my dream. I was sitting in an empty field and a massive storm was coming, and I was crying because I had a glass figure with me for no obvious reason and it shattered all by itself. Just seeing the little pieces laying there among the thin blades of grass triggered something in me and I felt like I had just lost someone incredibly important to me. And I knew nothing actually happened, but I couldn't stop crying in my dream.

So you can imagine how I felt when the dreaded lanky boy appeared next to me.

"What's wrong?" He said.

I pointed at the glass. He just frowned before plopping down next to me. I sniffled and looked down at my lap.

I didn't notice him twisting and picking at the grass and leaving a little bare spot of dark ground. But I did notice when he leaned over and grabbed a handful of shards and stuffed them in his pocket.

"Hey!" I cried. "Give that back!"

"Or what, lover boy?" He taunted. I hesitated, before shoving him in frustration. I couldn't do anything. The wind from the black clouds arrived, ruffling our hair. A look of sadness crossed his features for an instant before melting away. He stuck his fingers into the dark ground and dug a little hole.

A dull ache was building in my chest as he put his hand in his pocket and drew out a single piece of clear glass. Luke dropped it into the hole and I gasped in pain. He locked eyes with me as he pulled out the rest of the pieces. I desperately needed to look away from him, but I no longer had control of my body.

I could only watch as Luke roughly grabbed me with one hand and stuffed glass in my mouth with his other hand.

If I was Superman, the glass was kryptonite.

My vision immediately began fading and I couldn't breathe. The pain coursing through my body was unbearable. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. The rain began to fall.

Luke continued to stare into my eyes.
"I promised myself that I wouldn't let myself get to this point, but the problem is that I'm already way past it. I'm sorry."

Luke let go of me and stood up to brush off his black skinny jeans. He ran his right hand through his soaking hair.

"Dear God, help me find a soul and forge him a new heart of gold. We could really use those right now."

And with that, Luke stalked off, leaving me to die in the pouring rain.


Hi guys! You guys are absolutely amazing with the voting! I think we got around 14 votes in 24 hours--holy poop! I've never done that well. I usually shy away from self-promotion.

So yes, if you are wondering, Luke and Ashton did have different dreams, and that's because of their different perspectives and opinions of each other. However, both dreams are filled with meaning. Luke got to explain his part, if you haven't figured that out.

Question: What do you think was represented by Ashton's glass figure? What did it mean when the figure shattered? And why is it so important?

Please keep voting, you guys are fantastic!

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