How in the World

213 17 6

Calum's PoV

"Hey Luke, are you awake?" I shuffled into Luke's room, mentally preparing myself for an argument.

"Yeah," said a muffled voice. Luke was laying in bed with his eyes closed.

" you wanna talk?"


"Luke, we have to talk about all of this. You've been having...episodes, if I might call it, and everything's gone to hell. Michael said that you might, a demon or something. Weird shit has been happening."

"Oh, for fuck's sake. Look, it has nothing to do with me."

"We have to be honest about this. I know what's happening between you and Ashton."

"Damnit, Calum! There is nothing, and I will repeat, nothing, happening between us. I'm not gay and you all need to stop with your homosexual theories. Ships or whatever the hell they're called."

"Then why do you call out his name in your sleep?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, I have a fucking brain tumor that is currently fucking everything up in my head and has nothing to do with my deep dark inner thoughts."

"Okay, so maybe its not about him, but why do your eyes turn black and creepy crap happens?"

"You're seeing things."

"Michael walked in on you tearing a massive hole in the wall and screaming something awful. It was the episode that made us take you to the hospital. He said your eyes were black and everything was so ungodly and wrong at that moment that he still has nightmares about it. It was like you were possessed."

"Get Michael to the hospital right away then. He's seeing things that aren't real."

"Luke, don't be an asshole. We all saw it. And then Ashton got that appendicitis that just about killed him. And that came out of nowhere. That doesn't just happen."

"By the way, where is he? He usually visits for a little while every day. He hasn't come in today."

"What, do you miss him?"

"Look, as a friend and bandmate, am I not allowed to worry about the guy?" Luke was still laying on his side, facing away from me.

"Seems completely out of character considering you completely ignored him for months and have caused him a shitload of emotional trauma."

"You know, it seems that Ashton is very bad at being a man. He's gotta toughen up a little."

"Pull your shit together, Luke. I'll stop visiting too if you keep being a jerk."

"Wait, so you are all bailing on me? Was this a team effort?"

"We're taking a break. We are all exhausted. Not everything revolves around you."

"Fine. Thank you for your wisdom," he said. In that moment, Luke turned over and looked at me with his





I ran out of there as fast as I could. I wasn't going to deal with this supernatural shit. I made it out to the parking lot before I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I shakily selected Michael's contact. Mike picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Cal, what's happening?"

"I--look, damnit, shit, okay, I cannot deal with Luke anymore. We gotta call in the Ghostbusters or a priest or someone who specializes in this freaky shit because I am so done. I literally will not tolerate watching his eyes go black one more time. I can't put up with this asshole!"

There was a beep on the line.

"Crap, someone's calling me. Okay, but can you do some research? I'll call you back."

"Got it. Bye." And Michael hung up.

I had a missed call from the hospital. They didn't leave a message so I called them back.

"Hi, this is Calum Hood. I missed your call." It was funny that they called me even though I was literally just outside the building.

"Hello, Mr. Hood, we called to inform you that Luke Hemmings will go into surgery at 6pm as Dr. Creer has deemed him stable. All visitors will be allowed in to see him tomorrow morning if all goes well. We just wanted you to know. Alright?"

"Yes, but--wait, didn't the doctor say that his recent episode could put him in danger?"

"I didn't hear anything about that, but I can certainly ask. Doctors usually have good timing, though. They know. Any other questions?"

"Ah, no. Thank you, bye."

"Have a good day, sir."

This was wrong.

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