15 - If Heaven Exists, What About Hell?

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OMG GUYS ONLY LESS THAN 100 READS AND WE WILL REACH 1K. I'm so excited and I want to thank all of you SO much!

Pete's POV

"Guys, I swear I'm not joking", I explain for about the 20th time to Dan and Phil, who just don't seem to get it. I sigh and anger with the slightest hint of desperation starts to well up in my stomach and a whimper escapes my lips. I turn to face Dan.

"Listen", I say. "If you knew Phil was in terrible danger, he could die, what would you do? Would you choose to watch him die or would you use every cell in your body to help him?"

I see Dan bite his lip and I continue. "My Patrick's life can end at any moment and I swear that I will give anything to prevent that. But I need your help, I can't fight this alone".

"What do you mean with 'this'?", Phil asks. "You are saying Patrick is in danger, but who put him there?".

"He said that he was a fallen angel...", I mumble vaguely. "He...". I look up at Phil. "If Heaven exists, what about Hell?"

"I- eh...", Phil is clearly blown away by that random question. "Nobody has proof, but there are many legends, about how God casted Lucifer out and gave him Hell, to lure in the damned souls who died in a sinful way".

He is silent for a few seconds. "But come on, that can't be true, right?", he asks with a nervous laugh.

I shake my head and close my eyes. This is just too much. My boyfriend has been kidnapped by Satan? And I thought being an Angel was the weirdest thing that could happen. But it doesn't mean that I have changed my mind.

"So, are you going to help or what?", I say, looking up again.

Dan and Phil look at eachother and I can almost see their brainwaves align. They nod at the same time and turn to me.

"We are", they say simultaneously and I can't help but smile. I know that my speech to Dan worked and I know that he wouldn't hestitate if Phil would be in danger. I give him a small nod and he smirks back.

"So, now comes the second part of my plan", I break the silence. "How do we get to earth?".

"Only Archangels can do that", Dan answers. "They have a special code you have to say if you want to use the portal".

"And do we have any chance of getting that code?", I ask and I already feel like I know what the answer is going to be.

"Well, we do know one Archangel but...", Dan bites his lip.

"But what?", I try to push him. I am already more excited than I was.

"He is not what you would call... approachable..."

"I don't give a fuck. I need to see him. Where can I find him?", I say determined.

"He is probably at the lakeside but please, be careful. You shouldn't mess with this dude", Dan says a little scared. "His name is Andy, by the way. Andy Biersack.

Within two minutes I have reached the lakeside, Dan and Phil following me on a safe distance. I see a dark figure walking alongside the lake, looking restless. I take a deep breath and walk towards him.

"Hey, ehm... Are you Andy Biersack?", I ask more awkwardly than I planned. The figure turns around to face me and his blue eyes startle me. He has black hair, which doesn't suit his piercing eyes and he's a lot taller than me.

"What do you want from me?", he asks with a low voice which I didn't expect from him. I now understand why Dan called him unapproachable. Against all odds, I'm not scared. I feel nothing but the need to save Patrick, no matter how.

"I need your help. Me and my friends need to get to earth". I raise my hand before he interrupts. "I know this sounds stupid but I have a good reason. My b- good friend is being held against his will by some unknown man and he can die any moment. I need to save him or else I will not be able to live with myself anymore..."

Andy seems to be analyzing the words I just spat out. He nods his head slowly and looks down at me, making me feel ridiculously small.

"I don't even know your name and you are expecting me to give you the ability to go to earth?", he asks sarcastically.

"I'm Pete", I say shortly, making him laugh.

"You're a weird dude, Pete, but I like you. I will help you, but there is one condition. You will let me come with you". 

I don't need to think about that for long. Such a tall, intimidating guy can be quite handy in our fight, since Dan, Phil and I just look like enormous nerds. I agree and Andy leads us to the portal.

I don't understand why it's so hard to leave, it's just a hole with a trapdoor to hide it, but soon I realize why. The door is locked and Andy starts mumbling in some foreign language, which I assume is Latin.

Atque pugnarent et mundabor sit nomen Domini benedictum

The lock of the trapdoor starts to glow and without any noise it opens, leaving the hole to earth unexposed. Nerves start to creep up on me but I refuse to think of anything else than Patrick. Andy looks at us.

"Ready?", he asks in his deep voice. We all nod and step over the edge, leaving the safety of Heaven behind and accepting the approaching adventure.

My first thought about the portal is that it feels like being inside a tornade, but less frightening and covered in colours. I can feel wind and clouds all around me but it doesn't scare me. I am completely calm, like I am already used to this feeling, and in what feels like the blink of an eye we have landed.

My landing is calm and controlled, rolling further as I touch the ground. For Dan and Phil it looks less comfortable. I see them struggle to get up and trying to get the sand of their clothes. 

I look forward and see that we are standing in front of a house. A house I recognize better than my own. It's Patrick's house, and this makes me hate my unknown enemy even more.

He caught Patrick in the place he loves the most and he shall pay for that. I bite my lip and turn around.

"Don't be scared yet", I say looking at my companions. "It has only just begun".

A/N: Woopwoop, I can feel there is a battle scene coming and I am really pumped to write it. Anyway, thank y'all so much for helping me come so far, I never expected this story to be such a succes and I love you all loads. I even have a sequel planned for this :)


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