Chapter 13

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            The campsite was pretty crummy. The cabins were falling apart and stuffed beneath them were piles of wrappers and cans.

I think our whole bus groaned when we all saw the camp.

Mr. Barnet and the other chaperones were all cheering and clapping, trying to encourage us to do the same.

Our camp leader was Mr. Barnet. My group went to him to get our cabins. Peyton, me, and another girl, Caitlyn were sharing a cabin.

Lugging our stuff to our cabin, inside was even crappier. The floor was just cement, the beds had pine needles and other things on them. There was a wooden chair in the corner and a single window that didn't close all the way.

"Okay, I'm seriously considering running away," Peyton announced, wrinkling her nose.

Caitlyn agreed and I kept silent, trying to clear up my bed. "So we get to chill here for an hour. Then what?" I asked.

"I think we're going on a hike or some other activity," Peyton answered, running a brush through her pink hair.

"I HOPE NO ONE IS NAKED IN THERE!" A deep voice shouted from outside. Quickly following, Axel, Matt, and Ryder barged in.

Luckily, no one was naked.

"Aw," Matt sighed, when he saw us fully clothed.

We chose to ignore him and focus on how bad the campsite was.

"The lacrosse team gets so much funding. This is all your fault!" Peyton accused, holding her finger up at Ryder.

Ryder scoffed and moved her hand away from his face. "It's not my fault I'm talented. How about your stupid drama department!" He shot back.

Peyton's eyes widened. "We don't get any funding at all! We always have to reuse props whereas you get new equipment every few years! Do you know how old the costumes are?" Peyton demanded.

I stepped between them. "Let's all calm down. Even though this is totally Ryder's fault, we can't be mad at just him."

"Are you saying we should take down the government? That's on my bucket list!" Matt asked, his jaw dropping.

"What are you even talking about?" Axel demanded, slapping Matt's head.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm leaving. Mr. Barnet said we had to meet up with him soon."

"You're actually going to listen to him?" Ryder asked, smirking.

I made a face at him. "Why wouldn't I? I'm a good person, unlike you."

Peyton chimed in. "Yeah, she doesn't sleep with other people. In fact, she's a virg-" I quickly slapped my palm over Peyton's mouth. I definitely did not want Ryder knowing my nonexistent sex life.

"Okay, I'm out of here. Either you come with me or you don't. I couldn't care less!" I announced, theatrically stomping out the door.

Turns out about half of my group showed up. Peyton followed, as did Matt. But that was just it.

Mr. Barnet did a head count and scowled. "This always happens," he muttered to himself.

After that, we were off. Matt and Peyton hung around in the back, but I proudly walked in the front.

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