Chapter 19

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Taking a deep breath, I carefully unfolded the piece of paper that had been sitting on my desk for days now. This piece of paper determined just what my future would be-the same life with my mother or a new relationship with my father.

The address stated 80 Elder Lane, and was located a few towns over in one of the wealthiest towns in my state. Maybe I would be like Annie and become introduced to a life full of luxury and wealth. A girl could dream.

It was Saturday and my homework had been finished, my room had been clean, and everything I needed to do was done. I even organized my clothes according to color.

But, my mind was made. I was definitely going to meet my father today.

Putting on a presentable outfit, I grabbed the keys and hastily scribbled a note to my mother telling her that I was out and I would probably be out for a long time. I packed my bag way fuller than it needed to be, carrying all the essentials plus a few extra things that I wasn't even sure why I needed.

Finally getting into the car, I pulled out of the driveway and let my GPS control where I was going. I felt like a robot, mechanically moving the steering wheel and making turns when I needed to.

The drive was slow and took a good hour up. I basically did everything you could do in the car. I played the alphabet game, sang with the radio (loudly), played with some controls in the car that I never knew it even had.

And then I was pulling into his driveway. His house was huge, bigger than any house I had ever seen before. BMW's and Mercedes were parked in his driveway, as they were in all the neighboring houses, which were equally as grand.

Nervously walking up the stone stairs leading up to the door, I felt jittery, like I was infused with new energy.

Ringing the doorbell, I waited for what felt like forever but was realistically maybe two minutes.

"Hello?" A new voice asked. Shocked, I didn't see anyone, until I looked down and saw a little girl, maybe 6, peering right back up at me with gray eyes that matched my own.

I cleared my voice. "Hi. Um, is your father home?" I asked.

The little girl opened her mouth to respond but instead a new frantic voice was heard. "Anastasia, what are you doing? Who is that?"

And then a young, beautiful woman was in my view. She looked a bit intimidating, with sleek black hair and piercing blue eyes. She was tall, with an excellent posture. The woman looked like she should be a queen, wearing an elegant gown and a diamond tiara. "Hello..." she hesitantly greeted me, picking up whom I assumed to be her daughter.

Again, I cleared my throat and answered in a meek voice, "I-I'm looking for Owen. Does anyone by that name live here?"

The woman looked me over and narrowed her eyes. "He's here, alright. Come inside and I'll go get him."

So I entered the gorgeous foyer, looking up and over at everything. The theme was black and white, clearly. The floors were checkered and there was a majestic chandelier looming above my head. Vases of white roses were scattered around.

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