Chapter 1

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Amber's POV

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Today we arrived at my new home in Eastern Massachusetts. A suburban area with many trees and many large houses.

I, of course, hated it. I've always hated being the new girl. I blame it on my mom's hopeless marriages. The last guy, Andrew, had been nice enough. But he had a weird obsession with dolls that he revealed once he moved in with us as my official father. I mean he stacked those creepy-ass things anywhere and everywhere. Want to take a wee? Well you have to look in the lifeless eyes of a porcelain doll, which also made you crap some too.

I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?

Anyways, Andrew isn't important right now. Nor, will he ever be in this story.

My mom reached and put one of her soft hands on top of mine and gave me a smile. It was hard to be mad at my mother. She looked almost nothing like me. She was prettier, in my opinion. Light blonde hair with a few gray streaks, sweet and friendly hazel eyes. Her face was heart shaped with a few wrinkles on her forehead. I only inherited her height (which made us both really, very short) and the shape of her face. My Dad gave me his brown hair and dull gray eyes.

All my mom had ever wanted was a guy who loved her and respected her. My dad had been that guy. But he was somewhere over the rainbow and I had no clue where he could be or why he left in the first place.

La la la, Amber you're getting ahead of yourself! I'm not gonna mope right now, so lets skip to when we arrived to our new home.

The house was alright enough. It was just plain medium sized in a neighborhood where the houses were so close they could almost touch each other.

"Amber, be a dear and please put this box inside the kitchen," Mom told me, handing me a heavy cardboard box. I put it in there and when I came back out I saw another lady and, who I assumed to be her son, chatting with my mom. The lady was middle aged. She and her "son" both had dark blonde hair and light green eyes. The boy smirked at me and I stopped in my tracks. I was debating a fight of flight response. Eventually, I chose fight.

The threesome smiled at me once I arrived. "Amber, this is Angie and her son Ryder," My mom grinned. Angie looked nice enough. Ryder looked like one of those douchey guys who played every sport and dated every girl.

"Oh! It's so nice to have some new neighbors," Angie gushed, surprising me by pulling me into a tight hug. She finally let go and turned to glare at Ryder. "Say hello," she demanded.

"What's up?" Ryder asked. His voice was deep and had a twinge to it that made it seem like he was teasing me. 

"The usual," I answered, matching his nonchalant tone. He flashed me a cocky grin in return.

I finally focused back to Angie. "-to have dinner with us! Oh please Samantha. It would be our pleasure to cook for four instead of the usual two. Ryder loves cooking-" She was cut off my a glare Ryder gave at her. Wow. Bad boy liked to cook, huh. That caused me to now smirk at him. Ah, a dirty little secret that was perfect for blackmail! It was like in high school musical when Zeke said he liked to bake! Only this was much more of a plot twist.

"Only if it's no trouble," Mom smiled.

Angie clapped her hands in delight. She told us to come by at six, and then left, taking her son with her.

"They seem very sweet. Plus her son is very handsome."

I groaned. "Mom..."

Mom gave me a knowing look before she went back to handing me boxes.

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We arrived right on time. My mom liked to be punctual the first few times, and then we were allowed to slack off.

"Hello!" Angie burst out, pulling me into another bone-crushing hug. I smiled at her in return. Angie would be just like another mother to me soon enough, I just knew it.

"So, Ryder is in the kitchen. You go run along to him," Angie continued.

And then I went to find the douchebag himself. He wore a white stained apron and oven mitts. I accidentally snickered and he whipped around and glared.

"Something funny, sunshine?" He asked, stalking towards me. Before I knew it he had my back against the granite table and his arms clutching the edge, trapping me.

I still looked him dead in the eye. "Nothing of the sort. You're apron is just funny." I gestured to the black block letters that spelled out 'kiss the cook!'

Ryder narrowed his eyes and then ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "What? You're only here, like, four hours and you're already trying to seduce me?"

My eyes widened and I pushed him off. "No. I-I'm just...ah forget it."

He gave me a look that signaled he won.

I had to admit, whatever he was cooking smelled amazing. I looked into the oven and saw a glazed chicken was baking. My mouth watered. You know how when some people look at others they suddenly feel horny? Well thats how I felt looking at the chicken. Wait...It didn't, like, turn me on. Okay, let's just drop that...

We sat at the small wooden table. On one side Ryder and Me, and the other my mom and Angie. We finished quick enough (yeah the chicken was like tears of angels) and our moms sent us to the living room.

Ryder pulled out his phone and tapped away at the screen. I leaned over.

"Who you sexting?" I asked.

"My girlfriend, idiot," he replied, not looking up. I shot away from him like a gun. It was a joke! I didn't actually think...

He finally looked up and smirked. "I'm kidding, Miss oh-so-innocent."

I relaxed a bit. I knew it was normal for most kids my age to participate in stuff like that, but I was appalled. We went back to an awkward silence. I cursed myself for not bringing my own phone with me.

"So...what's there to do around here?"

"Find out yourself," he muttered.

Asshole. "How's school going?"

"What are you? My mom?"

I bit my lip. Jerk much?

Straightening up my posture I turned full onto him. "Don't you know it's rude to text while there's guests here?" I demanded.

"I'm not texting. I'm playing Temple Run," he waved his phone up to show proof. Liar, liar, damn sexy skinny jeans on fire!

I rolled my eyes and went back deeper into the couch. There was no freaking point.

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Hey guys! First chapter. I'm very excited for this story to take off. EEK EEK EEK! I tried to proofread and make all the edits needed!

Remember to vote, follow, and comment! They are greatly appreciated.

Kisses and hugs my loves, Teenagebliss (Lizzy)

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