Chapter 10

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Amber POV

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A strange, spine-chilling feeling washed over me as we entered the jail. Much to my surprise, it didn't quite resemble the image I'd usually pictured a typical prison to look like. You know. . . Stone rooms, steel chains, lit torches, cobwebs?

Okay, maybe I watch a bit too many horror movies.

Upon entering, I made my way towards the visiting area and followed him, where there were a series of booths set up, three of them occupied by prisoners dressed in orange suits on the side behind the glass wall, and, presumably, their relatives or friends sitting on the other side, their backs turned to me.

In the most platonic, non-weirdest way possible, I had to admit: Ryder's dad was hot. Well, aside from the elderly feel that hung around his features, there was still some kind of boyish charm to him that held true- a charm that somehow reminded me of his son's.

He was seated in front of us in his orange jumpsuit, completely neglecting my presence and rather, paying attention to the boy next to me; Ryder.

"Ryder," he began.

Ryder balled his fist beneath the counter, his fingers clenching around the phone. "James," he answered with malice, in a rougher voice. James, Ryder's father, looked pained- hurt- but mostly, frustrated. A vein in his neck was bulging, like he wanted to scold him.

"Look, I don't know how else to say this, but, Ryder, I. . .I'm sorry," He breathed, and then averted his eyes from the glass. James's eyes flickered down to his hands, which I could subtly notice, were fidgeting.

Ryder laughed humorlessly, earning a shocked, yet oddly hopeful expression from James. "Just 'I'm sorry?' That's it?" He shook his head. "No, James, Sorry doesn't change the fact that you killed two people. One that wasn't even born yet! One who's never going to have their first day of school, or make friends. One who might've grown to do great things, to see the seventh wonder of the world, to build relationships. You took all that away. And all you can say is 'I'm sorry'?" Saying he was angry was a complete understatement.

James let out a sigh of disdain. "Ry, I'm trying here. You know me, I'm not good with words."

"Yeah," he scoffed, "and apparently you're not good with people either."

In a regular situation, I would've found his remark funny. But this was far from ordinary, and at that point, I wasn't sure who to feel sorry for- Ryder or his father. I didn't know whether to butt in, but James seemed to finally notice me, and blinked twice, acting as if I'd just appeared out of nowhere. "Hello," he greeted solemnly. "I. . Are you...his girlfriend?" He asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

I opened my mouth to reply no, but Ryder slung his arm around my shoulder protectively. "This isn't about me, or my love life. This is about you, dad, killing a person. Killing two people. You're lucky I'm even listening to this crap." He paused, pressing his lips into a thin line. I was intruding, and though sometimes being nosy was usually my forte, having a say in Ryder's family life was not exciting. "Mom told me to forgive you, but that's so not going to be happening anytime soon. I'm done. . .Goodbye, James." Ryder dropped the phone and kicked the chair back, extending a hand to help me up.

"Ryder, c'mon, just. ." I tried to persuade him. He shook his head.

Ryder took one last look at the poor man, looking after him with a pleading look, and scowled, before pushing the door open and leaving.

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His car came to an abrupt halt in front of my house. I stayed in my seat, staring at my hands. "I'm sorry, Amber. That was a mistake bringing you there," Ryder said, after a moment of silence.

I shook my head. "No, no. It was fine, I promise," I assured him. Absent-mindedly, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then, unsure of myself, I blushed and dropped my arms back to my sides.

But before I knew what he was doing, his lips were pressed softly against mine, kissing me. It was the third time he had, and his velvet lips felt familiar and warm against mine. My heart started to beat faster, like it wanted to break out of my chest. I felt like I was floating on a cloud, and my skin was on fire.

When he pulled away, I had to supress the strong urge to let my jaw drop "Um...I should probably get going," I said, pointing to my house.

Ryder nodded, emotionless.

I hopped out of his car, and watched as he sped off.

Well, this was just dandy.

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Ryder POV

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"I Wont Say I'm in Love" from that Disney movie, Hercules, began to ring through my ears. I was with Axel, Matt and his little sister, Maggie, who was laughing at the nine muses, singing. He cracked a pathetic joke, earning an eye roll and a light smack on the shoulder.

"I swear to god," he laughed, "I'm that muse with the long ass hair. She's so friggin' hot," Matt said, pointing, and then trying to flip his own hair as he danced. Well, it wasn't exactly what I'd consider "dancing", but it was a good attempt.

"For Christ's sake, shut up," Axel said. "This boy's in denial." I felt him slap his hands on my shoulder and make these odd, immature kissing noises with his lips, crinkling his nose in amusement.

I immediately shrugged his hands off me. "Oh, piss off!"

Matt shot me daggers and then glanced momentarily at Maggie, signaling for me to watch my language around her. Oh, he was just too overprotective, if you ask me.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Come on, Ryder, admit it! You like her!" Matt teased, grinning.

"You like her!" Maggie repeated like a parrot, clapping her hands and repeating the same damn phrase over and over again.

Axel shrugged. "It's true. Even Maggie thinks so."

I slumped further into the couch, dangling my legs over the edge. "But, I don't like girls like Amber," I protested in my defense, mostly to convince myself than the two boys hanging around the living room.

"What's a 'girl like Amber'?" Axel asked accusingly, his eyebrow quirking up.

I gave him a flat look. "You know what I mean, man. Even you called her a goodie two-shoes," I said, using the nostalgic slang that I practically was obsessed with in fifth grade. "She's too . . .nice and . . . and innocent."

Matt rolled his eyes at me. "Opposite's attract!" I returned the eye roll.

"One sec, I have more sensible people to talk to" I said, holding one finger up to them before pulling my phone out from my pocket and scrolling through my contacts until I settled on the one I wanted; the one girl who started everything, and would also probably end it.

Ryder: hey zo', r u free?

Zoey: come on over

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ooh plot twist.

Hai hai hai hai hai. I'm lizzy and welcome to my book, for the new ppl reading it. ilysm okie okie bye.

vote, comment, follow, they make my day :D

kisses and hugs my loves,


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