The Hogwarts Express

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Lily's Point of view:
I was so happy to finally be going back to Hogwarts. I hugged my parents goodbye. Petunia glared at me. I walked through the border into platform 9 and 3/4 and spotted Severus.
"Hey Sev!" I said happily.
"Hi Lily, I missed you." Severus said.
"I missed you too Sev! How are you?"
"I'm alright. You were made prefect." He said.
"Yeah, my parents were thrilled when they found out." I said smiling down at my prefect badge.
Marlene and Alice shouted and waved too me.
"I gotta go, see you later Sev!" I said running over to them.
"It's so good to see you!" Alice squealed, pulling me and Marlene into a tight hug.
"I missed you!" I said.
"There he is!" Alice gasped.
Of course, Frank Longbottom walked by. Frank is a year ahead of us and Alice has a huge crush on him. Marlene and I giggled.
"Are you ever going to talk to him?" Marlene asked.
"Maybe someday." Alice said.
"We should go find a compartment." I said.
We had just sat down in our compartment when none other than James Potter walked in.

James point of view:
"Just so you guys know, even though I'm a prefect doesn't mean you can get get away with anything you want." Remus said.
Sirius and I burst out laughing.
"That's  exactly what it means." I said.
"Hey look! It's Evans!" Sirius said pointing.
There she was. The most beautiful girl at Hogwarts. She has long ginger hair and gorgeous bright green eyes.
"Let's join them." I said.
I slide open the door to their compartment.
"Well hello my delicate lily flower." I said smirking.
"What is it Potter?" She asked, annoyed.
"Is it okay if we sit here?" Remus asked politely.
"Fine." Lily said.
Peter and Remus sat on both sides of Alice. I squeezed in next to Lily and Sirius sat next to Marlene.
"Hello Mickinnon." Sirius said to Marlene smirking.
"Hello Black." She replied.
During the ride we talked about Quidditch and O.W.Ls exams and played a few games of exploding snap.
The snack trolley came by.
"Hey Mickinnon, want a chocolate frog?" Sirius asked.
"Sure." Marlene said.
Sirius watched her carefully, trying not to laugh. Oh no. Marlene has a horrible temper. Sirius must have a death wish to be messing with her.
As soon as Marlene opened the package chocolate splattered all over her face.
"Hey Mickinnon, I think you've got something on your face." Sirius said. He rolled on the floor.
"YOU ABSOLUTE PRAT BLACK!" Marlene shouted. She wiped the chocolate of her face.
"Hey Mar, try not to kill him. We need him to play at our first Quidditch match." I said.
"Sorry Mickinnon." Sirius said.
"Screw you Black." Marlene said.
"Oh come on Mickinnon, you know you can't stay mad at me." He said smirking.
"I'll get you back." Marlene said.
"Evans?" I asked.
"Yes Potter?" Lily answered.
"What are the chances of you ever going out with me?"
"A million to one."
"I've got a chance."
"You're unbelievable." Lily said laughing.

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