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Lily's point of view:
It was summer know. I would be starting my seventh year some. James and I had been going out.
I walked downstairs for breakfast. The smell of bacon frying wafted through the are. 
"Good morning!" I said brightly.
My dad look over his newspaper at me and smiled.
"I'm having some of my friends from school over tonight." I said.
"I remember." My mum said. "I can't wait to meet them."
Petunia''s brow knitted in worry. "What will the neighbors think?!" Petunia exclaimed.
I grinned as I imagined our neighbors see people flying on broomsticks.

It was almost time for everyone to arrive.
I heard a small thud come from the living room. I ran taking the stairs two at a time.
There was a cloud of soot around the fireplace. Alice emerged coughed and dusted herself off.
"Lily!" She squealed. She pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
Alice introduced herself. She smiled warmly at Petunia. Petunia ignored her.
Marlene, Remus, and Peter arrived. James and Sirius were late, I would expect no less from the two of them. They finally arrived Sirius's motorcycle.
"This is Sirius," he smiled and said hello, "and this is my-- James. This is James." I said. I had almost called James my boyfriend. We had never used the words boyfriend or girlfriend. We were together, but I don't know.
"Wonderful to meet you." James said to my parents.
They smiled approvingly.
During dinner James and my dad seemed to hit it off. We talked about Hogwarts and classes. After dinner my parents stayed in the kitchen and we went to the living room. Everyone was in awe after seeing the television.
"Muggles are bloody geniuses." James said as we watched the tv.
"Lily!" Petunia called.
I was sitting on the couch, leaning against James, he had his arms rapped around me.
"I'll save your seat." He whispered. A shiver of pleasure went my spine as James kissed my neck.
I went to what Petunia needed.
"Vernon is coming over so you and your freak friends better not embarrass me." She spat.
I felt a small burst of anger. I don't care if she calls me freak but she cannot insult my friends.
"I wonder were Petunia gets the bitch gene from." Marlene said. I laughed. 

Sirius's point of view:

Marlene and I were sitting on the love seat.
"Hey Mickinnon." I said softly.
"What Black?" She asked.
"Do you want to see my wand? It's 12 inches." I said wicking.
Marlene rolled her eyes and tried not to smile.
"I wouldn't getting impaled by your sword of Griffindor." She whispered.
Merlin she sounded sexy!

Lily's sister ran through  the room screaming.
Lily's dad came in a few moments later.
"Is everything okay?" Remus asked.
"Oh everything's fine, Petunia just saw a rat. She's petrified of the things." Lily's dad said.
That gave me a brilliant idea. I smirked mischievously at Peter. I looked at James. He had the same look.

James's point of view:
I had called all the Marauders into the hall.
"Are you ready Wormtail?" I asked.
Peter nodded.
Peter positioned himself at the top of the stairs. The girls peered through the doorway to see what we were up to. Petunia moved swiftly from the kitchen and up the stairs. Petunia screamed and jumped back, nearly tumbling down the stairs. We covered our mouths to hide out laughter. Peter moved closer to her, Petunia pressed her back against the wall, her eyes were tightly shut and she was trembling. Her face was red from screaming. Just as she slowly opened one eye to see if he was gone, Peter changed back into his human form.  She blinked rapidly, not trusting her own eyes after what she had just witnessed.
Lily was laughing so hard she was clutching her side.
Lily's parents came in. "What happened?" Her mother asked.
"I'm going to bed." Petunia said shaking.
"That was your idea, wasn't it?" Lily asked.
I smiled and nodded.
Lily smiled. Her green eyes were full of life and laughter.
"You're the best boyfriend ever." Lily said cupping my face in her hands.
"Boyfriend?!" I asked in surprise.
Lily nodded "Boyfriend." She kissed me.
Boyfriend and girlfriend, us, I definitely like the sound of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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