Loving Sirius Black

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Sirius's point of view:
It was 7 am on a Saturday morning and I was standing in the Quidditch pitch fantasizing about going back to bed. James had called an emergency meeting and practice. James was pacing waiting for a few more team members to arrive. Marlene was standing next to me. Her long eyelashes kept fluttering open and closed as she tried to stay awake. She leaned her head on my shoulder and shut her eyes. I smiled at her.
"Tired Mickinnon?" I whispered.
"Mmmmhmmm" she responded sleepily.
The last few stragglers joined us.
"Finally we can start." James said. 
Marlene lifted her head.
"As you may recall," James addressed the team, "It has been a while since we have won the house cup, but that is about to change. Why? Because we are going to work harder. We're going to train longer. We are going to be faster, stronger and better than any other team. The other houses may want it but we want it more! From now on we are going to live and breathe quidditch every second of everyday! We will be victorious!" He added enthusiastically. "Who are we? GRIYFFINDOR!" James said pumping his fist in the air. "Say it with me!"
"Gryfinndor!" The team said weakly.
"Again!" James yelled.
"Is he serious?" Marlene whispered.
"No, I'm Sirius." I replied smirking.

Marlene's point of view:
By the time practice was over I was utterly exhausted. I stripped of my clothes at got in the shower. The hot water ran down my back. I put on my towel and walked into the locker room, it was nearly empty. I collided with something, or someone. I looked up and met Sirius's laughing eyes. I jumped back and adjusted my towel. He smirked and looked at me. I blushed.
"Why are you blushing Mickinnon?" He asked.
"Because I'm in a towel and you keep looking at me like that." I said.
"I can't help it." He said smirking, "That's how I look at things that are beautiful."
I blushed even more. "What are you doing here Black? Where's James?" I asked.
It was rare to find James or Sirius alone, they were inseparable.
"James is still working with the new keeper. I thought I could walk back with you."
My heart skipped a beat.
"Yeah. Okay just let me get changed first."

When we got back to the common room it was empty. Most students were probably outside talking advantage of the good weather.
"So, what do you want to do?" I asked grinning mischievously.
"I've got a few ideas." He said smirking.  He rapped an arm around my waist and pressed me against him. I deepened the kiss. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I let him carry me down the stairs to his dormitory. The door slammed behind us. He laid me down on his bed and pull my shirt off. He kissed my neck and I sighed with pleasure. I tugged his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. I left a trail of kisses down his toned chest.
"Mickinnon" he said smirking.
"What?" I asked.
"After this everyone will be calling you Moaning Myrtle." Sirius said looking pleased with himself.
"Oh shut up Black." I said and kissed his neck.  We kissed  again, passionately. My fingers ran through his black hair.
"Mar! Marlene!" He moaned.

I ran up the steps to the girls dormitory, smiling to myself.  I was so happy I was worried my heart might fly out of my chest. As soon as I entered our room Lily and Alice took one look at me and there jaws dropped. My clothes were wrinkled and my blonde hair was disheveled.
"Marlene, what happened to you?" Lily asked like a concerned parent.
I was smiling and my heart was still pounding.
"I had sex with Sirius Black."
"WHAT?" They exclaimed.
"But yesterday you couldn't stand each other." Alice said.
"We sorta made up." I said.
"I guess that's love." Lily said giggling.

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