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Sirius's point of view:
I saw my parents waiting across the platform. I sighed. Only a few months of hell at my parents house and I would be back at Hogwarts.
"Sirius!" Mrs. Potter called. She pulled me into a hug.
"You have to come stay with us over the summer." James said.
"You're always welcome." Mrs. Potter said smiling warmly.
"Thank you." I said.
"Sirius." My mother called sounding annoyed.
"See you soon." I said to James.

Never in my life have I ever seen my mother smile. Her face was forever frozen in a disappointment scowl.
We apparated home. It's funny that I called it that, Hogwarts had always felt like my real home, not number 12 Grimwald place.
"Sirius, what's this I hear about you socializing with mudbloods?" My mother asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"What's wrong with that? It's Regulus you should be mad at, he's a deatheater!"
Regulus glared at me.
"You are a disgrace to this noble family!" My mother yelled. "Now go upstairs and change into something presentable, we are hosting a dinner party and guests will be here shortly."
Anger boiled inside me. I hate this family.
"And if I here you've been associating with any more mudbloods, we will disown you." My mother spat.
I stormed upstairs and grabbed my trunk. Our house elf Creature was cursing me under his breath.
They want to disown me? Fine. I don't care. I'll leave. I stormed out the front door and climbed on my muggle motorcycle.
It felt good to leave. I hated everything about that house. I hated their pureblood pride.
I rode through the streets of London, wondering were I was headed. I remembered what Mrs. Potter said to me. "You're always welcome."
I made up my mind. I was going to James's house. The Potters were the closest to family I have. 

James's point of view:
I was unpacking my trunk when a heard the familiar sound of an engine. Sirius. I ran downstairs. His old muggle motorcycle was parked out front. He was carrying his truck with him.
"Hey mate!" I said smiling.
He attempted to smile back.
"I ran away." Sirius said.
It made sense. Sirius had never really felt like he belonged in that family.
"Well, like I said you're always welcome." Mrs Mum said, hugging me.
"James, help Sirius take his trunk up to the spare bedroom." Mum said.
"Okay Mum." I said.
"It will be so nice to have you living with us. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen." My mum said.
Sirius followed me up to the spare bedroom.
"So, what happened?" I asked.
"The usual, they told me what a disappointment I am, the were just being themselves, but I had enough, I had to get out."
I didn't know what to say.
"They said they would disown me." He said.
"Don't worry mate, you're a Potter now." I said.
Sirius beamed.

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