Love is Strange

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Marlene's point of view:
We sat in the common room that night talking about what happened.
Sirius stared into the fire. I could tell he was upset about Regulus.
"So I guess it's really happening." James said.
"D-do you think you know who might attack Hogwarts?" Peter asked nervously.
"No." James said confidently. "As long as Dumbledores here we're safe."
Slowly everyone went up to bed. Soon it was just me and Sirius. I sat down on the couch next to him.
"Oh hey Mickinnon." He said absentmindedly.
"I know you're upset about Regulus." I said softly. He turned to look at me. "Your family doesn't define who you are, it's the choices you make and the person you choose to be."
I met his grey eyes. He leaned in closer and closer.
"Has anyone seen my wand?" James called.
Sirius and I broke apart fast.
"I think it's on the couch." Sirius said.
"Yeah, um I going up to bed." I said, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah me too." Sirius said.
"Okayyyyyy." James said confused.
"Good night." I called.
"Good night." Sirius called back.
I flopped down on my bed. My head was spinning. Was he about to kiss me? Did he feel something? Did I?

Sirius's point of view:
"What happened between you two?" James asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"Look, I've known Marlene for a long time. She's kind of like a little sister to me and--" James said.
"I told you nothing happened." I said. "Why can't you just believe me?"
"I'm sorry mate, it's just, you were acting a bit weird."
"I'm just tired that's all." I said.
I felt bloody awful lying to my best mate. I wasn't  exactly sure what was going on with me and Marlene. I don't know what I feel, or what she feels. All I know is I can't stop thinking about her.

James's point of view:
"We need to start planning the end of the year prank." I said.
"Remember what happened last year?" Remus asked.
I cringed. Every year, we plan an awesome, amazing complicated prank at the end of the year. Last year we were caught by filtch.
"This year we'll be ready!" I said. "I've got a plan. We'll never get caught again."
"I like the sound of that!" Sirius said. "So what's the plan Prongs?"
"We make a map of the entire castle including all the secret passageways and it will show were everyone is!" I said.
"How do you plan to pull that off?" Remus asked.
"That's were you come in Moony." I said. "You're good at charms, you can enchant the parchment."
"Do you have any idea how complicated a charm like that would be?" Remus asked.
"We have complete faith in you Moony." Sirius said.
"We could also enchant it to have some kind of password so only we can use it." I said.
"Brilliant!" Sirius exclaimed.
We headed to the library to start working on the map.

Sirius's point of view:
I'm sooooo tired. We'd been in the library working on The Marauder's Map.
"Padfoot, could you grab a advanced charms book?" Remus asked.
"Sure thing Moony." I said.
It was late. I'm pretty sure me James Remus and Peter are the only ones in the library. I strolled through the shelves looking for the book Remus needed. I turned the corner and saw a couple snogging intensely. Not just any couple. Ted Tonks, a muggle born and my cousin Andromeda Black.
I cleared my throat. They stopped and turned to look at me.
"Sirius!?" Andromeda said nervously. "It's not what it looks like!"
I raised my eyebrows and smirking. I found the situation very amusing.
"Oh really?" I asked.
"Please don't tell anyone! Especially my mother!" Andromeda begged.
"You got it cousin." I said smirking.
"Ted and Dromeda sitting in a tree k I s s I n g. " I sang.
"I mean it Sirius! Don't tell a soul!" Andromeda called after me as I walked of humming.
My pureblood cousin and Ted Tonks. Just like Romeo and Juliette, I think.(I've never actually read Romeo and Juliette) but I do know one thing, love is strange.

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